Tag: John Piper

Lighthouse Trails 2023 Year in Review—Part 1—Top 5 Letters to the Editor

At the end of each year, Lighthouse Trails presents its Year in Review, divided into different parts. Below is the first part of our 2023 Year in Review. While we receive numerous letters, comments, calls, and e-mails throughout the year,…

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Heart-Felt Letter From a Prisoner

LTRP Note: Over the years, Lighthouse Trails has heard from numerous men (and some women) who are incarcerated in U.S. prisons. Those who have written to us have expressed their love and commitment to the Lord because of their gratitude…

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Letter to the Editor: Is “New City Catechism” by Gospel Coalition OK?

Dear Lighthouse Trails: Enclosed please find this announcement that was in our church’s bulletin (see image below) titled “New City Catechism.” We do not have a computer to do research on this, and we were wondering if you would be…

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Letter to the Editor: Calvary Chapel, Calvinism (And Created to Choose and Reason)

Dear Lighthouse Trails: I would like to thank you for your continuing ministry particularly with regards to warning about Calvinism. I left a Calvary Chapel due in part with the leader and his ongoing support of Brian Brodersen who is…

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Yoga at T.D. Jakes’ Church . . . And the Rest of the Story

In an August 13th Christian Post article titled “Serita Jakes’ Endorsement of Yoga at Potter’s House Sparks Debate,” popular pastor T.D. Jakes’ wife is reportedly promoting Yoga to congregants at Jake’s church. The CP article begins: Serita Jakes, wife of…

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Letter to the Editor: The Handwriting on the Wall . . . and Rightnow Media

To Lighthouse Trails and readers: As I stood at the bedside of my dad in a hospital, in shock at his unexpected passing, I looked up at the wall, and there on the whiteboard was written, “Last rites- 2:00 pm.”…

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Letter to the Editor: ConvergePacWest Using Contemplative Books and Authors to “Grow Spiritually”

Dear Lighthouse Trails: After reading Seduction of Christianity by Dave Hunt years ago, I have watched the insidious encroachment of mysticism into the evangelical Christian church.  When I discovered you several years ago, I used some of your resources to…

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2014 LIGHTHOUSE TRAILS YEAR IN REVIEW—Part 2: Top Articles by Like-Minded Ministries

2014 Top Stories By Like-Minded Ministries    1. The Present of “His Presence” (and Should We Practice “His Presence”?) by Larry DeBruyn 2. A Book Review: ”Another Jesus” Calling by Warren Smith: Sarah Young’s “Jesus” More Like a “Love Struck” Boyfriend…

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Newly Elected Southern Baptist Convention Mission Board President, David Platt, Says “Sinner’s Prayer” Unscriptural and Superstitious

Editor’s Note: We know some people are going to be upset with our article about David Platt. Please understand that there is more here than meets the eye. This issue goes far beyond the scope of this article. There is…

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Corban University (formerly Western Baptist College), a Former Non-Contemplative College, Teams Up with Mark Driscoll

Corban University of Salem, Oregon used to be called Western Baptist College. It used to be a Christian college that did not promote contemplative spirituality or the emerging church, and it used to be on the Lighthouse Trails “good” Christian…

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John Piper Says No to Catholic Contemplatives But Yes to Protestant Contemplatives

This past week we received an e-mail from a reader who brought to our attention a video online showing where popular Calvinist teacher John Piper is asked the question: “Is there such a thing as contemplative prayer or Christian meditation…

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The English Standard Version (ESV) Study Bible. “A Dream Come True”?

Written and compiled by Art K. Introduction to a Study on The English Standard Version First, why I compared the KJV to the ESV is because the ESV study Bible has received such high praise for being an excellent literal…

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