Tag: ken boa

2012 YEAR IN REVIEW – Part 1: “Top 10 Book and Film Reviews”

Note: At the end of every year, Lighthouse Trails presents its YEAR IN REVIEW. Over the next few days, we post about 4 or 5 categories with our top 10 stories in that category. Our first category this year is our…

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The Top 50 “Christian” Contemplative Books – A “NOT RECOMMENDED Reading List” and 25 Christian “Bridgers” to Them

LTRP Note: Ray Yungen and the editors at Lighthouse Trails have put together our Top 50 “Christian” Contemplative Books  – A “Not Recommended Reading List.” If your pastor, your professor, your children, or your friends are reading any of these books, then they…

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BOOK ALERT: Conformed to His Image by Ken Boa

The title of Ken Boa’s book, Conformed to His Image, is taken from the Scripture Romans 8:29: “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the…

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