Tag: Ken Wilber

Something to Think About – Richard Rohr, the New Age, and Young Evangelical Christians

When you consider that Catholic contemplative mystic Richard Rohr once said in an interview that his publisher told him his largest audience was young evangelical Christians, and when you know what Rohr truly believes in and stands for, how can…

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NEW BOOKLET: Meditation! Pathway to Wellness or Doorway to the Occult?

NEW BOOKLET: Meditation! Pathway to Wellness or Doorway to the Occult? by Ray Yungen is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet.  The Booklet is 14 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50%…

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NEW BOOKLET: Is religion to blame?—War, Religion, and the Interfaith Global Peace Agenda

Is religion to blame?—War, Religion, and the Interfaith Global Peace Agenda  by Carl Teichrib i is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The Booklet is 14 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as…

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The New Age, Politics, and the Department of Peace

by Ray Yungen (from For Many Shall Come in My Name) Although the social/political element may not be overtly New Age in nature, it has served as a magnet for bringing together transformed New Agers and the socially concerned. Like…

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Rob Bell Unable to Defend His Own Beliefs in MSNBC Interview – Squirms, But Gives No Answers

Emerging church/mysticism promoter Rob Bell is making the circuit in American media to promote his newest book, Love Wins. The book is receiving a lot of publicity, largely because of a pre-release video (see bottom of this post) by Bell where he  suggests…

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The Philosophy of Rob Bell’s “Mindblowing” Model, Ken Wilber

LTRP Note: In view of the fact that Rob Bell’s Nooma films and his book, Velvet Elvis, are still popular within evangelical circles, this article by Bob DeWaay, on Bell’s “Mindblowing”* model New Ager Ken Wilber, should be taken seriously. by Bob…

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