Tag: lancaster bible college
For nearly 18 years, Lighthouse Trails has been reporting on the slide that evangelical colleges, universities, and seminaries have been taking into the contemplative/emergent/ecumenical river. It would be great if we could say there’s been a real turn around and…
(NON) Multnomah University Teaches Lectio Divina in Chapel Throughout 2012 (SOUTHERN BAPTIST) Inquiring About California Baptist University – Answer Not Good (BAPTIST) Campbell University in North Carolina Added to Contemplative College List (PRESBYTERIAN) What About Montreat College in North Carolina?…
2020 Update: Lancaster Bible College continues down the contemplative/emergent path. For a strong convincing example, their Formational Leadership Master of Arts Degree program is taught largely by contemplative/emergent/Replacement Theology/New Missiology leader Wayne Cordiero. (More information on this program) After receiving…