Tag: let us reason ministries

From the False “Gods” of the New Age Movement to the True and Living God and Savior—A Testimony

By Mike OppenheimerDirector of Let Us Reason Ministries I was brought up Jewish, went to Shabbat quite faithfully each Friday and celebrated the holydays at the temple and with my family up until about 16 years old. Our family like…

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The Spirit of Antichrist—in the Church

By Mike Oppenheimer Let Us Reason Ministries “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1). Paul warns us that at the…

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Four Blood Moons Are Coming

By Mike Oppenheimer Let Us Reason Ministries We have been hearing from a number of people on four Blood (red) Moons for 2014, making it is a unique and significant event. We are told the first of these four Blood…

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Hegel’s Marxist Dialectic – a Tool Used By the Emerging Church to Bring About a “New World Order”

By Mike Oppenheimer Let Us Reason Ministries One of the earliest forms of employing the dialectical method was the Dialogues of Greek philosopher Plato. in which the author sought to study truth through discussion in the form of questions and…

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New Video Preview: Mike Oppenheimer Lecture on Israel, Islam, and the Last Days

Note: While the camera quality of this video is not up to the standards we normally present, Mike’s material is essential thus we are presenting a preview of this lecture. To purchase this entire lecture in DVD format, click here.

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A Special Report: The Healing Codes – The secret of health and prosperity revealed?

By Mike Oppenheimer Let Us Reason Ministries Whenever we hear of a discovery or a cure that has great popularity, it is always wise to look at how it was discovered, who are the people promoting it, and what are…

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A “New” Dark Age – In Politics and in the Church

Hitler used the same tactic when organizing the German church into an arm of the state. Quelling dissent among Christians and using pastors to bring their congregations into line with Third Reich policies actually enabled the Holocaust. by Mike Oppenheimer…

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