Tag: life wide open
Letter #1: Dear Lighthouse Trails: You may already be aware of this, but going into work this morning (5 Jan) I tuned into David Jeremiah’s Turning Point radio broadcast titled “Living a Life Wide Open.” In the broadcast Jeremiah lists…
It is not often that Lighthouse Trails can report on a major Christian leader actually renouncing earlier endorsements of the contemplative mystics. Rick Warren, Beth Moore, Chuck Swindoll, David Jeremiah, and many others have written books that have promoted contemplative…
Lighthouse Trails received an e-mail this past weekend informing us that David Jeremiah (pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church) invited major contemplative writer, John Ortberg, to his church’s Summer Bible Conference this past Sunday evening. To Lighthouse Trails: Below is an excerpt from…
NOTE: Please read the related article by Roger Oakland after our article. Lighthouse Trails receives emails from time to time from readers asking if there is still “a problem” with David Jeremiah and his 2003 (redone in 2005) book, Life Wide…
For many people, it is hard to understand why Lighthouse Trails includes David Jeremiah in its reports and research on contemplative prayer. He is a devoted Christian with a longstanding reputation in Christian ministry. And when it comes to the…
It isn’t the first time and may not be the last that popular Christian preacher David Jeremiah quotes a New Ager. But this incident has a mysterious twist. In today’s Turning Point commentary, Jeremiah quotes New Ager M. Scott Peck….
In David Jeremiah’s 1995 book, Invasion of Other Gods, he gave a strong and clear warning against the New Age. But about a decade later in his 2003 book, Life Wide Open, Jeremiah was quoting and favorably referencing those…
[Photo of Saint Thomas Aquinas] For several years now, popular speaker and preacher David Jeremiah has been showing signs that he is in favor of contemplative spirituality. In 2001, he was quoting Henri Nouwen in church services. In 2002, he…
For those who have been following our articles over the past year, showing our growing concern for David Jeremiah’s lean towards contemplative, it is worth noting that Shadow Mountain Community Church (Jeremiah’s church)is also incorporating Purpose Driven into its church…
This is a follow up of our September 17th report, David Jeremiah Proposes “Major Paradigm Shift” For His Church. To hear this sermon where David Jeremiah discusses Erwin McManus’ book, The Barbarian Way, click here. Go to the one hour…
The Shadow Mountain pastor draws from Erwin McManus’ book, The Barbarian Way If you attended Shadow Mountain Community Church this weekend, then according to an email we received, you would have heard the second part of Pastor David Jeremiah’s series…
The Shadow Mountain pastor draws from Erwin McManus’ book, The Barbarian Way If you attended Shadow Mountain Community Church this weekend, then according to an email we received, you would have heard the second part of Pastor David Jeremiah’s series…