Tag: lilly
See Part 1 of Year in Review: Top 10 Letters to the Editor. See Part 2 of Year in Review: Top 10 Out-of-House News Stories.See Part 3 of Year in Review: Top 10 Articles by LT AuthorsSee Part 4: Top 5 Guest Writer Articles In this last…
In 2013, we posted an article titled “What’s Up with Lilly Endowment – Funding Pastoral Sabbaticals with a Contemplative Agenda.” Below is a copy of that article (with excerpts from a related 2007 article). In it, it provides a link…
To Lighthouse Trails: Eli Lilly, a major pharmaceutical company, in conjunction with Christian Theological Seminary (a liberal seminary in Indianapolis, IN) is funding pastoral sabbaticals. It appears it is just a part of a national program. Seems highly suspect to…
By Ray Yungen The cover of the July/August 1999 issue of Group Magazine, a leading resource magazine for Christian youth leaders, featured a teenage girl, eyes shut, doing contemplative prayer. The article, “Ancient-Future Youth Ministry” begins by declaring: It’s Sunday…
by Mike Stanwood Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know…
by Ray Yungen The cover of the July/August 1999 issue of Group Magazine, a leading resource magazine for Christian youth leaders, featured a teenage girl, eyes shut, doing contemplative prayer. The article, “Ancient-Future Youth Ministry” begins by declaring: It’s Sunday…
There are those who are using Corrie ten Boom’s name to promote the contemplative prayer movement. We believe if she were here today, she would be shocked at these efforts to do that to her name. In July of 2007,…
The Lilly Endowment will be awarding about 120 grants of approximately $45,000 each in their 2008 National Clergy Renewal Program. Senior vice president of religion at the Endowment says this award offers a time of renewal for pastors and other…
by Understand the Times with Roger Oakland In the late 1960s, two youth workers in their twenties, Mike Yaconelli and Wayne Rice (who happened to be working for Youth for Christ at the time), wanted to change the way youth…
OCEA (Ohio Christian Educators Association) began over 50 years ago with “a vision to host an annual event where church teachers, both pastors and laymen, could receive solid biblical training.” Various denominations and ministries are represented, and participants in the…
by Carla Kamps What’s with Lilly popping up everywhere? I’m not talking about pretty flowers, I’m talking about the Lilly Endowment. “The Endowment has focused on supporting programs and projects that address four broad questions: How do we identify, recruit…
The name keeps popping up – Lilly Endowment . Huge amounts of money being given in the form of grants to proponents of the emerging church. As Roger Oakland documents in his book, Faith Undone, Lilly gave $691,000 to…