Tag: Luther

Brian McLaren, You Have Missed the Boat With Your “All-Inclusive Reformation”—Homosexuals and Feminists: Yes; The Bible and White Christian Men: No

As groups around the world celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation with highly ecumenical events and speeches, Brian McLaren, once likened to Luther,1 has outlined his view of what the next reformation will look like in an article he…

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Pope Urges Lutherans to Set Aside Doctrine to Work Together

LTRP Note: Posted for informational and research purposes. One person who agrees with the Pope and has had a major impact on the evangelical/Protestant’s church’s move toward unity with Rome is Rick Warren through his long-standing Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan and…

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Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and Israel

LTRP Note: Please see the video clip  by Paul Wilkinson below the segment of this out-of-house news article. Also see a 2013 article by Jim Fletcher. “Anti-BDS activists decry Lutherans’ ‘obsession’ with Israel” By RAFAEL MEDOFF The Jerusalem Post The…

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LT Statement on Luther and His Later Views Toward the Jews

Lighthouse Trails has now released our own edition of John Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. One of the sections we included was on Luther and his role in the reformation.  While many Christians admire the accomplishments of Luther, to ignore his later views toward the…

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Phyllis Tickle: Brian McLaren is like another Luther

Emergent church leader, Phyllis Tickle, likens Brian McLaren to Luther who helped to bring about a reformation. Tickle says McLaren might be instrumental in bringing about a “new reformation” through the emerging church. The comments were made at the “joint…

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