Tag: lynn hybels

Believing a Lie: World Vision’s Steve Haas on Israel

By Jan Markell Olive Tree Ministries and Radio Broadcast Used with permission. What nation could be “apartheid on steroids”? Surely some Islamic stronghold, right? Wrong. Try Israel. That’s according to World Vision’s Steve Haas writing for the Lausanne Movement. Haas…

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2014 LIGHTHOUSE TRAILS YEAR IN REVIEW—Part 3: Top 10 Articles on Christian Colleges

1. Faith Baptist Bible College & Seminary “Crossed Off” “Good” College List – Hopefully Temporarily 2. “Christian Palestinianism” & Emergents Lynn Hybels and Jim Wallis Come to Multnomah University For “Justice” Conference 3.Liberty University Offering Yoga Classes . . ….

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Letter to the Editor: Concerns About Compassion International Mount

To Lighthouse Trails: I just came across your site in search of some background information concerning the emergent church movement (which I was aware of, but had no idea of it’s size or that it was labeled as such). I…

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“Christian Palestinianism” & Emergents Lynn Hybels and Jim Wallis Come to Multnomah University For “Justice” Conference

On February 21st and 22nd, Multnomah University (formerly called Multnomah School of the Bible) in Portland, Oregon, once considered a biblically-based evangelical school, will be hosting the simulcast Justice Conference with speakers Lynn Hybels and Jim Wallis (both emergent leaders…

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“Propaganda Wins” on Israel

By Jim Fletcher WorldNetDaily Used with permission. At the Catalyst East conference in Atlanta, I listened to Lynne Hybels give a talk about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. One of her concluding slides was an image of the security fence Israel erected…

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Obama Taps Willow Creek’s Lynne Hybels for White House Faith Panel

Out of House Article: For informational and research purposes only. To learn more about Willow Creek, read our article: “No Repentance from Willow Creek – Only a Mystical Paradigm Shift” Lynn Hybels, wife of Willow Creek pastor and founder Bill…

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