Tag: lynne hybels

Key Players and Buzz Language of the Social-Justice “Gospel”

The following two lists are from Mary Danielsen’s booklet, The Dangerous Truth About the Social-Justice “Gospel,” which we posted earlier this week. It’s good to be aware of both the names and the language. (see video clip below) Some Key…

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Booklet Highlight: The Dangerous Truth About the Social-Justice “Gospel”

By Mary Danielsen Many Christian believers are expressing concern today, and rightly so, over something called “social justice” or the “social-justice gospel.” Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners magazine, is one of the top “change agents” in the social-justice movement within…

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Mysticism Takes the Place of Christianity – Hostility Against Believers Will Grow

This week, two items on the Internet were brought to our attention, both of which may seem to be unrelated to each other but in actuality have a connection that we find to be an eerie reminder of the days…

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Lynne Hybels’ “God”

By Jim Fletcher Prophecy Matters Lynne Hybels is a woman of vast influence in the evangelical world. She and her husband, Bill, founded Willow Creek Community Church in 1975; today the Willow Creek Association (9,000 member churches worldwide) is one…

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Further Implications of Calvary Chapel North Coast Event – Lynne Hybels Presence Shows Serious Move Toward Apostasy

Yesterday, we posted an article titled “Calvary Chapel Breached” by journalist Jim Fletcher. The article focused on a Calvary Chapel church (North Coast) in California and its invitation of a Palestinian man named Sami Awad. Fletcher’s article showed the implications of…

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White House Appointees to InterFaith Council Include NAE Leith Anderson and Willow Creek Lynne Hybels

By Dan Gilgoff and Eric Marrapodi, CNN (From 2/2011) The White House announced a dozen appointments to its faith advisory council on Friday (in Feb), with the leader of the nation’s largest evangelical group and the head of the nation’s…

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