Tag: Marcus Borg

Younger Generation of Christians Reading Marcus Borg – What Did He Believe?

LTRP Note: Last week, a Lighthouse Trails reader called our office, wondering about Marcus Borg because one of her grown sons was reading Borg. This tells us that the younger generation of Christians is gleaning from the earlier writers of…

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Churches Going Contemplative with Diana Butler Bass’ Book, “Christianity For the Rest of Us”

A Lighthouse Trails reader sent us an article this week from a Pacific Northwest newspaper* describing how members of a local church are changing the way they practice church and view Christianity, doing away with their traditional church methods and…

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NEW BOOKLET: ATONEMENT REJECTED! How the Emerging Church Views Christ’s Death on the Cross

NEW BOOKLET: ATONEMENT REJECTED! How the Emerging Church Views Christ’s Death on the Cross by Roger Oakland is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet.  The Booklet is 10 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as…

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New Spirituality Teacher Says “The Jig is Up” to Those Who Believe in “the Blood of the Lamb”

Every now and then something come along that presents our case in such a succinct and obvious way that we are compelled to share it with our readers with the hope it will leave no question as to how serious…

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“Contemplative Spirituality – the Source of the Catholic Church’s Expansion”

I had always been confused as to the real nature of this advance in the Catholic church. Was this just the work of a few mavericks and renegades, or did the church hierarchy sanction this practice? My concerns were affirmed…

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Video: Ray Yungen on the Emerging Church & Interspirituality – Committing Spiritual Adultery

The following is a 10-minute YouTube preview of Ray Yungen’s DVD from the New Face of Mystical Spirituality series. This one is on the Emerging Church and Interspirituality:

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The Who’s Who List in Bringing the New Spirituality into the Church

By Chris Lawson Spiritual Research Network Each of the following authors professes to be Christian and/or uses biblical terminology in his or her writing, yet promotes at least one of the following serious false teachings: contemplative spirituality (i.e., Spiritual Formation),…

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Corban University (formerly Western Baptist College), a Former Non-Contemplative College, Teams Up with Mark Driscoll

Corban University of Salem, Oregon used to be called Western Baptist College. It used to be a Christian college that did not promote contemplative spirituality or the emerging church, and it used to be on the Lighthouse Trails “good” Christian…

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When Mysticism Fills the Vacuum of Nominal Christianity

By Ray Yungen Why are the mainstream denominations so open to meditative and holistic practices? A professor of theology at a United Methodist college gave this explanation: A spiritual vacuum exists in organized religion that might be filled by theologies that…

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Letter to the Editor: Please Add Ozark Christian College to the Contemplative College List

LTRP Note: This letter comes as a response to our recent article titled “Cincinnati Christian University (and Seminary) Added to Contemplative Colleges List.”  Ozark Christian College is of the same denominational affiliation as Cincinnati Christian University. Dear Lighthouse Trails: I…

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4 Reasons Why Holman Publishers Should Not Have Inserted an Article by a Contemplative Author into Their King James Bibles

Recently, Lighthouse Trails learned that Holman Bible Publishers (the oldest Bible publisher in America)  has inserted an article by a strong contemplative proponent into several of their King James Version Bibles (some of which Lighthouse Trails WAS carrying) including: the Ultra Thin Reference…

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BOOK REVIEW: Putting Away Childish Things, a Tale of Modern Faith by Marcus J. Borg

LTRP Note: While reading this book review on Marcus Borg’s new book, please bear in mind two things: one, that Borg rejects essential tenets of the biblical Christian faith (such as that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that he was…

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