Tag: mike oppenheimer
By Mike OppenheimerDirector of Let Us Reason Ministries I was brought up Jewish, went to Shabbat quite faithfully each Friday and celebrated the holydays at the temple and with my family up until about 16 years old. Our family like…
Neglecting to Test the Spirits—A Tragedy of Enormous Proportions by David Dombrowski and the Editors at Lighthouse Trails is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The booklet is 14 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are…
See Part 1 of our 2023 Year in Review. See Part 2 of our 2023 Year in Review. Top 5 2023 Articles by Lighthouse Trails Editors 1) Hard Lessons in Discernment: People often wonder, whether they verbalize it or not,…
By Philip GrayFree-lance writer What do Hitler, Alice Bailey, and Replacement Theology adherents have in common? Basically, the answer to that question is that in all three cases, they reject the Jews as God’s chosen people. Those who embrace Replacement…
In light of the October 7th attack against Israel and the subsequent anti-Israel, antisemitic demonstrations around the world (including within “Christian” circles), it’s important for Bible-believing Christians to understand the role that many popular evangelical figures have played over the…
Israel—A Burdensome Stone to the Nations and the Apple of God’s Eye by Mike Oppenheimer is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are available. Our booklets…
By Mike Oppenheimer When Paul spoke the Gospel to these religious pagans in Athens on Mars Hill for the first time, he didn’t wait to become friends first to “share his beliefs.” This is an absurd method to abide by. He…
By Mike Oppenheimer From his book, The Trinity: The Triune Nature of God If we are to grasp who God is, we must understand the core doctrine of the nature of God. Acceptance of the biblical view is what separates…
The following out-of-house article (after our comments below) is posted for informational and research purposes. Lighthouse Trails is a research ministry and does at times post articles by various news sources to bring light to events happening in our world…
By Mike Oppenheimer Editor’s Note: Today, it is common to hear the argument that since Paul quoted pagan poets in Acts 17, it’s OK for Christians to quote those who teach false doctrine. Adherents of the emerging/progressive church and contemplative spirituality have…
LTRJ Note: Many cults and aberrant “Christian” groups reject the biblical view that Jesus Christ is the eternal God come in the flesh (that is, they reject the eternal and continuous deity of Christ). There are various slants on this,…
See Part 1 of Year in Review: Top 10 Letters to the Editor. See Part 2 of Year in Review: Top 10 Out-of-House News Stories. Lighthouse Trails has been blessed and privileged to work with dozens of committed, discerning, Bible-believing authors since 2002. Below is a list…