Tag: missional
LTRJ Note: As we were preparing to post this letter to the editor that came to us recently, we came across Christian radio host Janet Mefferd’s Twitter comments about Southern Baptist Convention president J.D. Greear’s involvement with a “Neighborly Faith”…
The following two lists are from Mary Danielsen’s booklet, The Dangerous Truth About the Social-Justice “Gospel,” which we posted earlier this week. It’s good to be aware of both the names and the language. (see video clip below) Some Key…
LTRJ Note: The following is the content of Roger Oakland’s booklet, The New Missiology – Doing Missions Without the Gospel. We are reposting this important article because Lighthouse Trails has many new readers who may not have seen this. By…
Editor’s Note: We know some people are going to be upset with our article about David Platt. Please understand that there is more here than meets the eye. This issue goes far beyond the scope of this article. There is…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: Can you recommend how to find a biblical teaching church that is not on the contemplative/emergent/Acts 29 path? My husband and I are feeling so unsettled about how these movement seem to be creeping in to all…
Dear Lighthouse Trails, I left my church of 43 years, because they were promoting books like Ruth Haley Barton’s “Solitude and Silence”; they had built a Labyrinth next to the Memorial garden where my parents ashes lay and were performing…
by Bob DeWaay Missionary or Missional? For hundreds, if not thousands, of years Christians have used the term “missionary” to describe one who goes out to preach the gospel to an unsaved world headed toward judgment—repentance for the forgiveness of…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: Yesterday several of my family were talking, and one member mentioned they were involved in “A missional church.” I don’t know anything about this terminology “missional” but I don’t think I like it. Your thoughts please? ___________________ Dear…
In the July 2012 issue of Charles Stanley’s In Touch magazine, in an article titled “Welcome In, Reach Out,” the author writes glowingly of what is called “Celtic Spirituality, basing her article on George H. Hunter III’s The Celtic Way of Evangelism…