Tag: muddy waters

Letter to the Editor: Native Shaman Rituals Being Used in Mission in Canada

Dear Lighthouse Trails: Thanks so much for your ministry; your newsletters have been very informative and a blessing to read. For the past three years, we have been involved in a church ministry in __________, Canada which includes outreach to…

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Dream Catchers—Those Popular Spidery “Sacred Hoops”

By Nanci Des Gerlaise (author of Muddy Waters: an insider’s view of North American Native Spirituality) Dream catchers—those spidery “sacred hoops” with feathers. They originated with the Ojibwa tribe during the ’60s and ’70s, supposedly to protect a sleeper by…

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Understanding Shamanism

LTRP Note: For those who think that shamanism is a far cry from the contemplative mysticism being practiced in the church today and that this warning has nothing to do with Christians, think again. The realms reached are the same,…

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The Story of Mask-e-pe-toon – A Powerful Cree Chief Who Found the Truth

LTRP Note: In the spring of 2011, Lighthouse Trails published Stories From Indian Wigwams and Northern Campfires. The book, written by Egerton Ryerson Young, an itinerate preacher and missionary to the Canadian Native Americans in the late 1800s, is a fascinating…

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A False Native American Messiah

By Nanci Des Gerlaise (Canadian Cree author of Muddy Waters) False “Christs” exist among Native Americans just like they exist in other ethnic groups. One of the most memorable is Wovoka (born c. 1858 in Nevada), also known as Jack…

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Shamanism or Cutting-Edge Christianity?

By David Dombrowski Editor at Lighthouse Trails Publishing & Research I find it rather interesting how God has orchestrated things in life, which demonstrate His great love and ongoing mercy to ordinary people like myself. But, more specifically, I am…

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Dream Catchers – Those Popular Spidery “Sacred Hoops”

By Nanci Des Gerlaise (author of Muddy Waters: an insider’s view of North American Native Spirituality) Dream catchers—those spidery “sacred hoops” with feathers. They originated with the Ojibwa tribe during the ’60s and ’70s, supposedly to protect a sleeper by…

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A Cree First Nations Talks About Necromancy As Interest Increases

LTRP Note: There is a lot of talk (and books) these days about people who say they are communicating with someone deceased or are having direct communication with God and/or experiences in Heaven. A few examples are: Have Heart talks…

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A First Nations Cree Talks About “Living Waters” – From Darkness to Light

By Nanci Des Gerlaise He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. (John 7:38) And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people,…

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Letter to the Editor: A New Believer Shocked to Learn New Age Practices in Christian College

To Lighthouse Trails: I’m a new student at __________College in ___________ Canada. The President of the College himself teaches the Spiritual  Formation classes. The Lord delivered me out of 30 years of spiritual seeking last year (where I tasted of and practiced…

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Shamanism vs. The True Christ

By Nanci Des Gerlaise (author of Muddy Waters: an insider’s view of North American Native Spirituality) But refuse profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. (1 Timothy 4:7) But I [say], that the things which the…

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By Nanci Des Gerlaise (Canadian Cree author of Muddy Waters) God and Satan are not two equal powers in a dualistic battle between good and evil. God’s power is infinite whereas Satan can only do what the Lord gives him…