Tag: NAR
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I am sending this email I got about the upcoming IHOP “Onething 2015” Conference which has on average 30,000 young people attending, who come for their “fix” of the deceptive euphoria of the hypercharismatic music, prayer, and…
By L. Putnam The Christian and Missionary Alliance headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colorado now has a Healing Room Ministry established by Steve Peterson, a technology group employee of the CMA headquarter staff, trained by NAR Apostle Cal Pierce’s International Association of Healing Rooms, Spokane, Washington (IAHR). …
Jan Markell recently interviewed Caryl Matrisciana, talking about Caryl’s new documentary film, Wide is the Gate, Volume 3. Jan is founder and director of Olive Tree ministries and a Lighthouse Trails author; Caryl is director and founder of Caryl Productions…
By Jan Markell Used with permission | www.olivetreeviews.org A ministry supporter in Washington State sent me a flyer that was handed out in his church recently. It is more mocking. The flyer asks if folks have met “End-Times Eddie” in…
The Perfect Storm of Apostasy – An Introduction to The Kansas City Prophets and Other Latter-Day Prognosticators by Mary Danielsen is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The Booklet is 14 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts…
By L. Putnam Learn to Discern In this article you will meet Maddy, a twenty-seven-year old ATS [Alliance Theological Seminary] seminarian, who genuinely desires a deeper walk with the Lord. Now, as Maddy goes after these experiences, she describes them…
A Special Report by Understand the Times and Lighthouse Trails As America is quickly approaching another presidential election year, some interesting things are taking place within evangelical/Protestant Christianity that are connected to next year’s election. Dominionist/Kingdom Now political and religious…