Tag: navpress
Navigators is a Christian organization, founded in 1933 by a young man named Dawson Trotman, that eventually became a household name in the evangelical church.* The Navigators motto is, “To Know Christ and to Make Him Known.” However, Navigators and…
To Lighthouse Trails: I am coordinator of my church’s children & youth ministries, and I am looking for solid, Bible-based children’s and youth curriculum. I would appreciate any suggestions you may have. I am so skeptical of much of the curriculum out there…
By Berit Kjos (author of How to Protect Your Child From the New Age and Spiritual Deception) The Spiritual Formation movement is widely promoted at colleges and seminaries as the latest and the greatest way to become a spiritual leader….
From 10 years of research at Lighthouse Trails Research Project, we have found the following fifty organizations to have had a significant role in bringing contemplative spirituality into the evangelical/Protestant church. If you do not know or understand the implications…
According to the April 2011 issue of Pray!, the online magazine of NavPress, the organization is still promoting contemplative prayer. In 2005, Lighthouse Trails informed readers that NavPress (part of the long-standing Navigators) “has become a leading publisher for contemplative spirituality…