Tag: new age thought

The Goal of Contemplatives: Changing the Consciousness of Humanity – One Contemplative Prayer After the Next

By Ray Yungen Two authors from Great Britain portrayed a stunningly clear picture of New Age spirituality. They explained: [T]he keynote of it appears to be a movement for synthesis derived from an understanding of the underlying unity behind all…

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Fractal Theory in The Shack (A Still-Popular Book Among Christians)

By Jennifer P. Used with permission. I finished reading my copy of William P. Young’s, The Shack and had something happen that I want to share for those who are interested. While reading The Shack, I rented a movie that came out…

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Evolution’s Role in a Quantum Spirituality

By Caryl Matrisciana and Roger Oakland There is a clear but complex marriage between physical evolution and transcendental evolution. Ironically, while forcing out creationism, many scientists and educators push for an equally religious alternative. They cling to the Eastern concept…

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