Tag: nouwen

Letter to the Editor: Who Would Have Thought We’d Be Told “NO” to Studying Books of the Bible?

Hello Lighthouse Trails: The church I used to attend is now fully immersed in the new culture that has swept thru the churches over the last decade.  With constant references to and quotes from the likes of  Nouwen, Merton, Augustine,…

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Lighthouse Trails Editor:”My Journey Out of Catholicism (and why the Catholic Church is not reformable)”

By David Dombrowski Editor at Lighthouse Trails Over the years, I have encountered many Christians who wonder, “What’s wrong with being Catholic? After all, they believe in the Cross; they believe Jesus is the Son of God. It can’t be…

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Lincoln Christian College and Seminary (IL) Changes Name, But Still Promotes Contemplative Spirituality

Today we received the following email from a concerned Lighthouse Trails reader. We believe it is worth noting to help warn those who are looking for good Christian colleges to attend that Lincoln promotes spiritual formation (i.e., contemplative spirituality). Dear…

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