Tag: palestinians
LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes. By Robert ThorntonAFN News President-Elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Ambassador to Israel doesn’t believe a two-state solution will work. The mainstream media has often called for a possible two-state…
Update article: 2/16/24 “Netanyahu: Recognition of Pal state would be ‘huge reward’ to terror” By Joshua MarksJewish News Syndicate The Biden administration is preparing to make a major push for Palestinian statehood if a Gaza ceasefire agreement being negotiated in…
By Tony PearceLight for the Last Days Ministries (Used with permission)(Tony Pearce is the author of The Messiah Factor and The Jews: Beloved by God, Hated by Many. Donald Trump’s peace plan, put forward by his son in law Jared…
Also see Part 1: “Commentary: Assembly of God (AOG) General Council to Vote on Resolution Against Israel ” and Part 2: “Dr. George Wood Responds to Lighthouse Trails Article on AoG Resolution 3 and Israel” See concluding part. By Cedric…
Also see Part 1: “Commentary: Assembly of God (AOG) General Council to Vote on Resolution Against Israel ” and Part 3: “A Further Unveiling of Assemblies of God Resolution 3 & the Serious Implications” By the Editors at Lighthouse Trails…