Tag: panentheism
Today, we received a question from a reader regarding the second edition of Chris Lawson’s A Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists) booklet, which we released last week. In that booklet is the name Hannah Hurnard, the author of…
Editor’s Note: Lighthouse Trails wrote this report in 2014. Since then, we have watched “Spiritual Formation” explode within the church. After over twenty years of warnings, to our dismay, the issue has not been challenged or even questioned by most…
LTRP Note: With the majority of Christian colleges and seminaries now bringing in contemplative spirituality via Spiritual Formation programs, and with Christian leaders such as Rick Warren and Beth Moore endorsing the movement, and with countless pastors giving it a…
By Warren B. Smith The name Judas has been described as the most hated name in all the world. Except for Shack author William Paul Young and maybe a few exceptional others, hardly anybody ever names anyone or anything Judas. It is one of…
By Ray Yungen Two authors from Great Britain portray a stunningly clear picture of New Age spirituality. They explain: [T]he keynote of it appears to be a movement for synthesis derived from an understanding of the underlying unity behind all things…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I have a good friend who has been a solid believer in Jesus Christ of the Bible. In the past several months he has gotten involved in all the Q anon information, which seemed to be his…
[I]f you were to jump off a cliff with the intent to fly saying the word “fly, fly, fly” as you jump off and someone else jumped off the same cliff with the intent to hit the bottom saying “fall,…
LTRP Note: The following news clip is posted for informational and research purposes and not as an endorsement for either the content or the source. Lighthouse Trails has been issuing warnings about the New Age propensities of Roma Downey for…
An April 2019 Religion News Service article titled, “For Millennials, Mysticism Shows a Path to Their Home Faiths” reveals how young (millennial) evangelicals are “[d]iscovering the Christian mystical tradition through the work of Franciscan friar Richard Rohr.” The article states:…
Note: Ray Yungen’s explanation of what “New Age” shows why Lighthouse Trails says the New Age has infiltrated Christianity. When we realize that mystical meditation is at the heart of the New Age as well as at the heart of contemplative spirituality,…
LTRP Note: As you read this article by Warren Smith, you may be surprised to hear of some of today’s leaders who believe that God is in everyone and everything. Be Still and Know That You are Not God!—God is…
By Ray Yungen Sue Monk Kidd’s spirituality is spelled out clearly in her book When the Heart Waits. She explains: There’s a bulb of truth buried in the human soul [not just Christian] that’s “only God” … the soul is…