Tag: pantheism

When Will They Ever Learn?

By Judson Casjens Where have all the soldiers gone, long time passing?Where have all the soldiers gone, long time ago?Where have all the soldiers gone?Gone to graveyards, everyone.Oh, when will they ever learn?Oh, when will they ever learn? So went…

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The New Age: “All the world’s great spiritual traditions and paths.”

Note: Ray Yungen’s explanation of what “New Age” shows why Lighthouse Trails says the New Age has infiltrated Christianity. When we realize that mystical meditation is at the heart of the New Age as well as at the heart of contemplative spirituality,…

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10 Things to Ponder—Pathways to Apostasy

LTRP Note: The links in the following article provide further information on each topic listed. By Roger Oakland While I am certain there are many more, the following ten trends provide a good overview of what is taking place in…

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Fractal Theory in The Shack ( “I love fractals, so I put them everywhere.”)

LTRP Note: The Shack movie is soon to be released, and Christians and non-Christians alike will fill movie theaters to watch it. Before you open your minds and hearts up to this movie, please study the facts behind the book,…

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Thomas Merton, Richard Foster, and a Sufi Master

“Richard J. Foster’s Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth is hailed by many as the best modern book on Christian spirituality with millions of copies sold since its original publication in 1978.”—Publisher description LTRP Note: Keep in mind…

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The Final Outcome of Contemplative Prayer – Interspirituality!

By Ray Yungen The final outcome of contemplative prayer is interspirituality. If you have truly grasped the portrait I have tried to paint in my book and articles, you have begun to see what this term signifies. The focus of…

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New Tool by Deception in the Church Ministries Rates Christian Worship Songs

LTRP Note: Sandy Simpson of Deception in the Church ministries has developed an interesting research tool for rating Christian worship songs. We hope this tool will help get many believers thinking about the kind of lyrics they are singing each…

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Quantum Lie – Preview Video #4

In this fourth  preview of the Exposing the Quantum Lie DVD set with Warren B. Smith and Bob DeWaay, DeWaay talks about Emergence Theory and how pantheism and panentheism have entered the church, convincing millions that this New Spirituality is exactly what the…

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Take the Test: Are You a New Ager?

by Mike OppenheimerLet Us Reason Ministries This may seem like an inconsequential question, even a silly question to ask, but many people may not know how involved they are in the New Age movement that has permeated our society. In…

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