Tag: Philip St. Romain

The Nature Behind Contemplative Prayer: The Heart of Occultism

Without the mystical connection, there can be no oneness. The second always follows the first. Here lies the heart of occultism. By Ray Yungen Many Christians might have great difficulty accepting the assessment that what is termed Christian mysticism is,…

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Contemplative Prayer – Does Our Intent to Find Jesus Justify the Method?

 [I]f you were to jump off a cliff with the intent to fly saying the word “fly, fly, fly” as you jump off and someone else jumped off the same cliff with the intent to hit the bottom saying “fall,…

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Kundalini Energy (Serpent Power) Same as Contemplative Silence

According to Thomas Keating, the father of the modern day centering (contemplative) prayer movement that is sweeping widely within evangelical circles, the silence or sacred space that is reached during contemplative prayer/centering prayer is the same state that is reached…

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