Tag: proctor

Matthew 18 – And Heretics and Hypocrites

By Paul Proctor Free-lance writer Used with permission. Every now and then I get a terse email from someone who has taken exception to my candid comments on Rick Warren, asking questions like: “Have you ever spoken with him personally…

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Are You Prepared? Something to Think About

By Paul Proctor Used with permission. There seem to be two kinds of people in our world today: those who are preparing for the inevitable and those who are, for whatever reason, ignoring it. The warnings are everywhere. They’re like…

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Jesus Christ Presented as the Son of Allah – A “New” Way of Doing Missions?

by Paul Proctor Used with permission. I have addressed, on numerous occasions, the Church’s ongoing efforts to reinvent Christianity into a global religion of Results & Relationships by using the powers of pragmatism and consensus to artificially grow itself into…

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Video on Common Core Curriculum Shows Indoctrination of Children in Public Schools

The following video is posted on Kjos Ministries website. Berit Kjos is the author of our new Booklet Tract: A “Common Core” for a Global Community. This video shows just a few examples of how children are being indoctrinated toward…

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Dangerous Prayers

by Paul Proctor (Free-lance writer; used with permission) Mindless mantras are an abomination to God I once came across a video clip that was taken from a popular television talk show called The View, where liberal former co-host of the show,…

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Letter to the Editor: Church of 43 Years Builds Labyrinth, Promotes Mystical Rituals and Social Gospel

Dear Lighthouse Trails, I left my church of 43 years, because they were promoting books like Ruth Haley Barton’s “Solitude and Silence”; they had built a Labyrinth next to the Memorial garden where my parents ashes lay and were performing…

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Relationships and Religious Agendas

by Paul Proctor Free-lance writer Have you ever tried to reason with a religious agenda? It’s hard to do, isn’t it? You can quote God’s Word until you’re blue in the face, but those who have fully invested themselves into…

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By Paul Proctor Used with permission. This may come as a shock to most Christians, but if you do a search of the less contemporary translations of Scripture, the word “feelings” is virtually nonexistent. Where it does appear, it is…


When Popular Music Becomes Obscene & Immoral

By Berit Kjos (from her new release, How to Protect Your Child From the New Age & Spiritual Deception) Music is a lot like alcohol and drugs. It can be very deceiving and destructive when misused. It can distort one’s…

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When America – As We’ve Known it – Is Gone

By Paul Proctor Free-lance writer Used with permission. Country singer, Lee Greenwood wrote and recorded a very powerful and inspiring song many years ago that has all but become the new unofficial national anthem of the United States of America….

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How Will You Handle Hard Times Ahead?

By Paul Proctor Free-lance writer Used with permission. It’s time to prepare for hard times, my friends. And, if you’re a bible-believing, Christ-following Christian, I believe the coming years will be particularly troublesome. I say “bible-believing, Christ-following Christian” because our…

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Wycliffe Bible Translators to “Re-evaluate” Methodology to Removing “Son of God” and “Father” from Bible Translations

In a growing controversy where Wycliffe Bible Translators is removing “familial terms” such as Son of God and Father in their Bible translations in order to accommodate Muslim readers, the organization posted a statement on February 7th, saying: While we…

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