Tag: progressive Christianity
LTRP Note: To gain further insights into Tony Campolo, please see the links below Jim Fletcher’s article. By Jim Fletcher I’ve lost more work and friends in apologetics than I can name, because I name names. But for years, readers…
By Mike Oppenheimer When Paul spoke the Gospel to these religious pagans in Athens on Mars Hill for the first time, he didn’t wait to become friends first to “share his beliefs.” This is an absurd method to abide by. He…
By Mike Oppenheimer Editor’s Note: Today, it is common to hear the argument that since Paul quoted pagan poets in Acts 17, it’s OK for Christians to quote those who teach false doctrine. Adherents of the emerging/progressive church and contemplative spirituality have…
By Berit Kjos Today’s “progressive” emerging churches have little love for the old certainties that have grounded genuine Christians in God’s revealed truth for 2000 years. They say those precious guidelines don’t fit the new dialectic and collective ways of…
By L. Sharp (Guest writer and researcher) I want to share some thoughts regarding Jim Wallis’ recent June 24, 2021 “farewell” to Sojourners: the magazine/movement he began 50 years ago. I was made aware, spiritually, of the dangers of Jim…
Lighthouse Trails has been warning readers for several years about the emergent church. In those warnings, we’ve addressed the spiritual leanings of Erwin McManus.1 We also challenged David Jeremiah because he told his church that he wanted to use McManus’…
By Roger Oakland Understand the Times, International Recently, I read a Facebook post by a southern California pastor stating that the “emerging church” was no longer a problem for him or his church. He also stated that the “emerging church”…
By Heather Clark Christian News Network GRANDVILLE, Mich. — Kent Dobson, who took over the leadership role at Mars Hill in 2012 after controversial author and speaker Rob Bell left the congregation he founded, has now also decided to step…
By Roger Oakland As the world continues to plunge into further darkness and despair, “new” spirituality leaders say it is the church’s fault, particularly that of rigid Christians who won’t bend their beliefs or convictions. While Christians certainly are not without sin,…
By David Dombrowski Editor at Lighthouse Trails The church of today is very much astir. Everywhere we turn, embellishments are being added to Christianity as if to improve it. The old ways do not seem to satisfy anymore. A great influx…
By Jim Fletcher WorldNetDaily Commentary Writer < img src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-d9XxhfbZ3mYSM.gif" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="Quantcast"/>< /div> Oddly, within American evangelicalism and media circles, a concept and term have emerged that place conservative Christians on the outside, in effect, becoming “other.” And we…
“The religious left is struggling. Can the cause of economic justice help it rise again?” LTRP Note: The following article by a secular news source is a noteworthy read as it discusses so-called “Christian progressives” such as Jim Wallis (of…