Tag: progressive

Barna and Viola Book, Pagan Christianity, Remains Popular & Continues Playing Role in Leading Christians Astray

Pagan Christianity, written by George Barna and Frank Viola, was released in 2008. Fourteen years later, it remains a bestseller, showing up as #6 on Amazon’s “Ecclesiology Christian Theology” category. In 2011, Lighthouse Trails posted a review of the book…

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Letter to the Editor: Diana Butler Bass and Westmont College Steered Daughter Away From the Faith

Dear Lighthouse Trails: I thank you for the work you are doing for God’s kingdom. I enjoy your newsletters and have been taught many things to steer clear of because of your faithful and great teaching. Thank you from the bottom of…

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Letter to the Editor: Is the EFCA Lining Up With the Emergent Church?

Dear Lighthouse Trails: I know you have posted some things regarding the EFCA back in 2013-2014 and contemplative spirituality, but I haven’t seen anything more current so I thought I would share some things with you that I see. As…

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Christianity Today: “We are theologically conservative . . . committed to the glory of God.”—CT History Shows Differently

On December 19th, 2019, Christianity Today, the magazine that considers itself the “flagship” magazine for Christianity released an article written by the just-retired editor-in-chief, Mark Galli, titled, “Trump Should Be Removed from Office.” According to CT, the article set off…

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“Anger, Vitriol and Venom” From the Parliament of the World’s Religions

Carl Teichrib attended the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Toronto, Ontario as part of his research ministry. Below are comments Carl made on his Facebook page about his time there. We are reposting them with his permission. The photos…

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Kingdom-Now Evangelicals

By Roger Oakland While I believe Rome leads the way with the bold claim that God chose Peter and the succeeding popes to take the title of “Vicar of Christ” and determine what the sheep should or should not believe,…

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