Tag: quantum lie

Exposing the Quantum Lie – God is NOT in Everyone!

Below are four video preview clips (each about 10 minutes long) taken from Bob DeWaay and Warren B. Smith’s lecture series, Exposing the Quantum Lie: God is NOT in Everything. This profound, insightful, and biblical material is absolutely vital to…

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The Big Picture: A “Wonderful” Deception by Warren B. Smith

The following is a 10 minute preview of Warren B. Smith speaking about the “New” Spirituality that has entered the church. This is part of the Quantum Lie DVD lecture series. To read articles by Warren B. Smith, click here….

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Exposing the Quantum Lie: God is NOT in Everything

Below are four video preview clips (each about 10 minutes long) taken from Bob DeWaay and Warren B. Smith’s lecture series, Exposing the Quantum Lie: God is NOT in Everything. You can get the entire 4 lectures at the Lighthouse…

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