Tag: quantum
Editor’s Introduction Note: It is very fitting that our 100th Booklet is about emerging-church leader Leonard Sweet. Many of you may not know who he is or know very little about him, but his influence in the church has been…
By John Lanagan My Word Like Fire Ministries “Will faith in God’s Word become a thing of the past as ‘science’ replaces faith? A growing number of church figures have directly or indirectly introduced quantum physics with its New Age…
By Ray Yungen In the last [few decades], many groups and individuals have come forward with various psycho-technologies for maximizing personal growth and human potential—this potential being in the higher self. New Agers understand that metaphysics must be presented in…
In this fourth preview of the Exposing the Quantum Lie DVD set with Warren B. Smith and Bob DeWaay, DeWaay talks about Emergence Theory and how pantheism and panentheism have entered the church, convincing millions that this New Spirituality is exactly what the…