Tag: richard twiss
By Sandy Simpson When did ANY of the Patriarchs and Prophets in the Old Testament and the apostles or Jesus Christ in the New Testament ever claim that the “supreme beings” of the nations were Elohim/YHWH, the one True God?…
Are the “Supreme Beings” of the Nations the True God? by Sandy Simpson is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The Booklet is 16 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50% off retail. Our…
This year, from August 8th through 11th, the Wildgoose Festival will take place in Hot Springs, North Carolina. The festival is an emergent “church” event, which since its inception has included on the speaker list names like Brian McLaren, Phyllis Tickle,…
Over the past year, there has been a number of deaths among those whom Lighthouse Trails has critiqued for their doctrinal and theological teachings. Last week, we received the following e-mail: To Lighthouse Trails: As much as I disagree with the…
Can Cultures Be Redeemed? (Some Things You Should Know About the Indigenous People’s Movement) written by Nanci Des Gerlaise is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.85 for single copies. Quantity discounts are…
Native Spirituality “Renewal” & the Emerging Church written by Nanci Des Gerlaise is our newest Lighthouse Trails Print Booklet. The booklet is 16 pages long and sells for $1.85 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50% off…
By Canadian Cree First Nations Author Nanci Des Gerlaise From chapter 1 of Muddy Waters: an insider’s view of North American Native Spirituality The darkness clutched me like a shroud, alive with evil, poking, prodding, whispering and hissing its unmistakable…
By Nanci Des Gerlaise (First Nations Cree Canadian and author of Muddy Waters) The emerging church is a movement that is said to be a new way to do Christianity, a way that is supposed to reach out to the…
By Nanci Des Gerlaise (author of Muddy Waters: an insider’s view of North American Native Spirituality) Nanci Des Gerlaise is a Canadian First Nations Cree. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all…
The following is a preview video clip of Sandy Simpson in the First Nations Movement DVD Series: For more information on this DVD series, click here.
Muddy Waters, Lighthouse Trails’ newest release has gone to press. Click here for more information or to order. Muddy Waters: an insider’s view of North American Native Spirituality By Nanci Des Gerlaise Chapter by Chapter Synopsis 1/A Medicine Man’s Daughter:…