Tag: robert webber
Corban University of Salem, Oregon used to be called Western Baptist College. It used to be a Christian college that did not promote contemplative spirituality or the emerging church, and it used to be on the Lighthouse Trails “good” Christian…
LTRP Note: Ray Yungen and the editors at Lighthouse Trails have put together our Top 50 “Christian” Contemplative Books – A “Not Recommended Reading List.” If your pastor, your professor, your children, or your friends are reading any of these books, then they…
From 10 years of research at Lighthouse Trails Research Project, we have found the following fifty organizations to have had a significant role in bringing contemplative spirituality into the evangelical/Protestant church. If you do not know or understand the implications…
Today we received the following email from a concerned Lighthouse Trails reader. We believe it is worth noting to help warn those who are looking for good Christian colleges to attend that Lincoln promotes spiritual formation (i.e., contemplative spirituality). Dear…
by Roger Oakland When Christians begin to chase after powerful mystical experiences that supposedly bring them closer to Christ, this becomes like a slippery slope that will have disastrous results. The emerging church is on this slope. When I do…