Tag: sabbath
Posted on September 23, 2019
NEW BOOKLET: The Sabbath and the Lord’s Day by George Zeller is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The Booklet is 14 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are available. Our Booklets are designed to give…
Posted on May 13, 2019
LTRP Note: The following is a book review by Gary Gilley on A.J. Swoboda’s book Subversive Sabbath, the Surprising Power of Rest in a Nonstop World. BOOK REVIEW: Subversive Sabbath, the Surprising Power of Rest in a Nonstop World by…
Posted on August 30, 2015
Dear Lighthouse Trails: You list Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, as being contemplative, formation. Please give me evidence, examples of this, also any emergent info, too on them. ASAP, please. Our Response: Finding evidence and examples to show Calvin College’s…