Tag: second coming of Christ
LTRP Note: Tony Pearce is the author of a number of Lighthouse booklets and his book The Messiah Factor. He is the founder and director of Light for the Last Days and provides well-written, well-researched articles and materials regarding Israel…
By Bob AyanianUsed with permission. He will come again in glory at the ending of the age when man has done his utmost and sin has earned its wage When He comes again in glory there will be lightning in…
By Harry A. Ironside In the eighth chapter of the Epistle of the Romans, reading from verse 18, we have the words: For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the…
LTRP Note: As evangelical/Protestant churches fast continue to plunge into apostasy and as we head closer to that final hour, this article written by Roger Oakland is as much relevant today as it was when he wrote it a few…
LTRP Note: To read more about former Plymouth Brethren, now emerging church leader, Brian McLaren, and the emerging church’s views on Israel, eschatology, and the return of Jesus Christ, please see our links below this news article. The following article…
by Ingrid Schlueter CrossTalk/VCY America Emergent author Brian McLaren doesn’t believe in a literal Second Coming of Jesus. He has problems with the penal substitutionary atonement of Jesus on the cross. A literal hell with eternal torment for those who…
Definition of Preterism – The belief that all Bible prophecy (including Matthew 24) has already happened, including the second coming of Jesus Christ. Also called Covenant Eschatology or Fulfilled Prophecy. It is worth noting that many with the Dominionist and/or…