Tag: sexual predators
Last week, countless secular and Christian media sources reported that highly popular Christian stand-up comedian John Crist has sexually victimized numerous women” over the course of several years. A Charisma Magazine* expose on the news story, stated: According to multiple…
An August 8, 2018 Christianity Today article titled Willow Creek Elders and Pastor Heather Larson Resign over Bill Hybels chronicles events that led to Willow Creek founder Bill Hybels’ resignation from the megachurch due to numerous women having come forth…
On Friday evening (May 26), Saddleback Church released a statement about the arrest of Ruben Meulenberg, the man who allegedly has been molesting boys at Saddleback. The Saddleback statement called Meulenberg a “student ministry volunteer.” Here is the full statement:…
We are reposting this important radio interview because the incidence of children being sexually exploited by online predators is steadily increasing. Below are several short audio clips from the recent interview Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries did with Lighthouse…
LTRP Note: This is a follow up to our earlier posting, “Bill Gothard Resigns from Institute in Basic Life Principles Under Allegations of Sexual Abuse (And How to Spot the Signs of a Sexual Predator) .” By Warren Cole Smith…