Tag: sexuality
LTRP Note: Two Lighthouse Trails articles we hope you’ll read along with the post below: What’s Sex Got To Do With It? and Driscoll’s vulgarity draws media attention. From True Discernment Blog The extremely sad thing about Mark Driscoll is…
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp is a 2010 Zondervan title that is a New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon Best-Seller. The author is a contributing writer for DaySpring, and she has a blog that receives 40-50 thousand visitors every week.1 Voskamp has risen quickly…
The “Gay Christian Network” will be hosting their annual Mountain Top Experience conference in January 2011. According to their website, contemplative/emerging Christianity Today editor Philip Yancey will be this year’s key note speaker: (click here). Little needs to be said here,…