Tag: social justice

“Going Woke Has Endangered American Jews”

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes. By Jonathan S. TobinJewish News Syndicate It was just one result among a blizzard of other poll results in a single survey. But one data point in the Harvard/Harris monthly…

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A Wrong Interpretation of Paul’s Appeal at Mars Hill Has Caused a Diffusion of the Gospel

By Mike Oppenheimer When Paul spoke the Gospel to these religious pagans in Athens on Mars Hill for the first time, he didn’t wait to become friends first to “share his beliefs.” This is an absurd method to abide by. He…

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Civil Rights Activist, Bob Woodson, Provides Insights on “Reparations”

Back in the summer of 2020, when terms like Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter, White Fragility, and so forth were being brought forth by activists and mainstream media (insisting that all white people were racists just for the mere…

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New Lighthouse Trails Book Release: A Christian Perspective on the Social Justice Movement

Lighthouse Trails Publishing is pleased to announce the release of A Christian Perspective on the Social Justice Movement: 15 Essays by Some of Today’s Discerning Voices. The book is co-authored by Roger Oakland, Mike Oppenheimer, Carl Teichrib, Bill Randles, David…

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Lighthouse Trails to Send Out 18th Mailing to Christian Pastors and Leaders

For nearly seven years, Lighthouse Trails has been sending out topical booklets three times a year to a growing list of pastors and Christian leaders. This week and next week, we will be sending out our 18th mailing to Christian…

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NEW BOOKLET: All for One and Theft for All—The Fallacy of the Social-Justice Movement

All for One and Theft for All—The Fallacy of the Social-Justice Movement by Carl Teichrib is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are available. Our booklets…

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Letter to the Editor: Concerns About the Lectio 365 App (aka: Pete Greig and Lectio Divina)

Dear Lighthouse Trails: Are you familiar with the Lectio 365 app? It is being promoted at my church and the small amount of research I’ve done has me concerned. Thank you so much for your boldness in standing up for God’s…

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The Turning

By Mike Oppenheimer Lying has always been with us but has now reached epidemic proportions having no limits. I’m shocked when I occasionally hear the truth from those who more often lie. The fact is, liars are accepted more quickly…

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Commentary: Has Beth Moore Inadvertently Become a Proponent of Critical Race Theory (CRT)?

The CRT lie is that every white person is inherently racist (whether they know it or not) [and in] a “perpetual state of guilt and apology to people of color. . . . It doesn’t matter if they never felt…

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Jim Wallis Says Farewell to Sojourners But New College Position Will Continue His “Social Justice” Legacy

By L. Sharp (Guest writer and researcher) I want to share some thoughts regarding Jim Wallis’ recent June 24, 2021 “farewell” to Sojourners: the magazine/movement he began 50 years ago. I was made aware, spiritually, of the dangers of Jim…

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A Parent’s Summary of the Spread of Critical Race Theory At Gordon College

LTRJ Note: The following summary is written by Manny Silva, the founder of Concerned Nazarenes (a watchdog group that began several years ago when the Nazarene denomination began to be heavily indoctrinated with the emerging church). Recently, his son was…

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Turning to Fables

By Mary Danielsen While many in the church seem to have fallen asleep at their post and have ceased to “watch therefore,” they seem to have plenty of time and attention to be distracted by “heaps of teachers” out there…

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