Tag: steve haas

A Missing (or Ignored) Link: They Like Jesus But Not the Church (or Israel)

In light of the October 7th attack against Israel and the subsequent anti-Israel, antisemitic demonstrations around the world (including within “Christian” circles), it’s important for Bible-believing Christians to understand the role that many popular evangelical figures have played over the…

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World Vision’s Gaza Manager Funneled Millions to Hamas

LTRP Note: We find it sad when we think back to how many readers have told us that they still donate to World Vision. Not only is the news story below shocking, but World Vision has been going in the…

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Believing a Lie: World Vision’s Steve Haas on Israel

By Jan Markell Olive Tree Ministries and Radio Broadcast Used with permission. What nation could be “apartheid on steroids”? Surely some Islamic stronghold, right? Wrong. Try Israel. That’s according to World Vision’s Steve Haas writing for the Lausanne Movement. Haas…

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2010 Film “With God on Our Side” – Championed by Jim Wallis, Tony Campolo, Brian McLaren & Steve Haas (World Vision) – Has Changed the Minds of Evangelicals

By Jan Markell Olive Tree Ministries Today, one of the greatest seductions is that there could be world peace if only the Palestinians had a homeland. The film that came out in 2010 titled With God On Our Side is…

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World Vision Cries “Reform” – But What About Israel and the Emerging Church – The Story Behind the Story

According to a recent article by Christian News Network (CNN) titled “World Vision Under Internal Reformation After Support of Homosexuality?,” World Vision appears to be taking measures to “reform” the organization after their recent decision and 48-hour reversal to employ…

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