Tag: suicide

“Suicide, Sex, and the School Trauma Cult”

By Linda HarveyMission America Children embody our future hopes and dreams. But some parents are willing to deal with the devil, betting tomorrow’s dreams against today’s comfort. The bargain is suicide prevention, or so they are told. “Would you rather have…

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“High-Potency Marijuana, Psychosis, and Suicide: Johnny Stack’s Story”

LTRP Note: In 2017, Lighthouse Trails released a booklet titled The Cross and the Marijuana Leaf written by Richard and Linda Nathan (both formerly involved in the counter-culture hippie movement of the 60s). The Nathans wrote this booklet to warn…

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NEW BOOKLET: Public School or Homeschool?—How Public Schools Are Corrupting Children’s Values

NEW BOOKLET: Public School or Homeschool?—How Public Schools Are Corrupting Children’s Values by Maria Kneas and Berit Kjos is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet.* The Booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are…

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GC2 Conference on Mental Health Includes “Spiritual Formation” Teachers Rick Warren and Ruth Haley Barton

On December 12, 2019, Christianity Today posted an article by “new” Christianity pastor Ed Stetzer, giving a recap of the GC2 Summit that took place on December 6th. The article, titled “Lies Pastors Believe, Part One,” states: Two months of…

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“The Number of Teens who Are Depressed is Soaring — and All Signs Point to Smartphones”

LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational purposes. By Jean Twenge Business Insider Around 2012, something started going wrong in the lives of teens. In just the five years between 2010 and 2015, the number of U.S….

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Voice of Martyrs, Tom White, Dies Under Tragic Circumstances

Associated Press Oklahoma authorities are investigating whether the executive director of an  international Christian ministry killed himself amid allegations he’d molested a  10-year-old girl, police said Monday. Tom White had been reported missing last Tuesday, the same day police in …

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The Tragic Superficiality of the Homosexual Lifestyle

LTRP Note: As Christians, let us remember to pray for any people we might know who are engaged in the homosexual lifestyle, that they would respond to the Gospel by repenting and giving their lives wholeheartedly by faith to the Lord Jesus Christ. GMC Watch…

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