Tag: testimony

My Journey Out of Catholicism

By David Dombrowski Over the years, I have encountered many Christians who wonder, “What’s wrong with being Catholic? After all, they believe in the Cross; they believe Jesus is the Son of God. It can’t be all that bad.” If…

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Saturday Interview with Richard Nathan – From Communist to Christian

Former New Age follower Richard Nathan will be interviewed today on the Parker J. Cole Show. Richard will share how Christ rescued him from a life of darkness as a Marxist-Socialist and Atheist. The show will air online at 2pm…

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Update on Warren B. Smith

In 2004, the editors at Lighthouse Trails came into contact with former New Age follower Warren B. Smith after reading his book, Deceived on Purpose (which had been released that year). We had been so affected by the book that…

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A Parable

By Berit Kjos (From her book How to Protect Your Child From the New Age & Spiritual Deception) High on a ridge overlooking the valley stood the King, framed in the sun’s fading light. His form rose like a monument…

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