Tag: the silence

Book Review: Beware of John Mark Comer’s 2024 Book, Practicing the Way

Dear Lighthouse Trails Editors: I have written a review (see link below) of John Mark Comer’s 2024 book, Practicing the Way, and I’d like to explain why I did this review. I saw Comer’s name mentioned in an article in…

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The Mystical Revolution: How Millions of People Have Been Introduced to the Aquarian Age

By Ray Yungen Most people understand there’s been a number of revolutions over the past forty years or so, beginning in the ’60s. For instance, there’s been the sexual revolution, the feminist revolution, and what you might call the drug…

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Is Your Church Doing “Spiritual Formation”? (Important Reasons Why It Shouldn’t)

Editor’s Note: Lighthouse Trails wrote this report in 2014. Since then, we have watched “Spiritual Formation” explode within the church. After over twenty years of warnings, to our dismay, the issue has not been challenged or even questioned by most…

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An Appendix on the Al Mohler Situation: “The Contemplative Christian (The Christian of the Future?)”

LTRP Note: In view of our recent post on Albert Mohler who promoted the book The Benedictine Option (a book that encourages contemplative prayer practices), we are posting this article by Ray Yungen from his book A Time of Departing so…

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A Trip to India—to Learn the Truth About Hinduism and Yoga

A Trip to India—to Learn the Truth About Hinduism and Yoga By Caryl Matrisciana Thirteen years had passed since my family had left India. Now I found myself on an airplane returning there. I was filled with excitement and nostalgic…

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Does God Sanction Mystical Experiences?

by Ray Yungen  For many years during my research, I would come across the term contemplative prayer. Immediately I would dismiss any thought that it had a New Age connotation because I thought it meant to ponder while praying–which would…

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Letter to the Editor: Church Heading Toward Contemplative Turns Around After Seeing the Evidence

Dear LTRP:  Thank you so much for the information that you have been providing my husband and I for the past several years. It is thanks to Lighthouse Trails that we were able to warn members of our church leadership…

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Lectio Divina: What it is, What it is Not, and Why It is a Dangerous Practice

Lectio Divina – There’s a lot of talk about it today; umpteen books are published and more are on the way about lectio divina; and an increasing number of evangelical/Protestant figures are writing about it, endorsing it, and teaching it….

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Contemplative Pioneer Richard Foster’s Spiritual “Legacy”

by David Cloud Way of Life Ministries Richard Foster’s writings have been at the forefront of the contemplative movement since the 1970s. No one has done more than this man to spread contemplative mysticism throughout Protestant and Baptist churches. Foster’s…

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