Tag: timothy keller

Letter to the Editor: Is “New City Catechism” by Gospel Coalition OK?

Dear Lighthouse Trails: Enclosed please find this announcement that was in our church’s bulletin (see image below) titled “New City Catechism.” We do not have a computer to do research on this, and we were wondering if you would be…

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Fox News Contributor Kirsten Powers Exits Evangelicalism to Embrace Catholicism – Timothy Keller & Other Evangelical Leaders Partly to Blame

By L. Putnam Kirsten Powers, Fox News’ pundit, happily announced on October 9, 2015 to “The Five” on “One More Thing” that the next day she would become Catholic.  Immediately, Powers was “high fived” by Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Eric Bolling. Exactly why…

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Question: “Does the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) lean toward contemplative?”

QUESTION: Does the Evangelical Free [EFCA] lean toward contemplative. I don’t hear it, but [Rick] Warren is one of our pastor’s favorite authors and . . . I don’t mean to imply that liking Warren will necessarily lead to the…

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‘LECTIO DIVINA” List – Who is Promoting it?

This list is taken from our Lectio Divina: What it is, What it is Not, and Should Christians Practice it? Print Booklet Tract. This list will be updated as needed. You can read that booklet by going here. On February…

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Redeemer Presbyterian Church (Pastor Tim Keller) Added to “Lectio Divina” List

A Lighthouse Trails reader brought it to our attention that Redeemer Presbyterian Church, pastored by Tim Keller, is promoting the contemplative practice of Lectio Divina. On this webpage, Lectio Divina – “Divine Reading,” instructions are given on how to practice Lectio Divina….

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