Tag: TM

The American Legion Gives Big Push for Veterans to Practice Transcendental Meditation

In a 2020 three-part series titled “Mysteries of the Mind,” The American Legion magazine tells veterans they should practice transcendental meditation if they feel stressed, saying that TM “can help veterans confronting PTSD.” Writer of the article, American Legion magazine…

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The Lynch Foundation Lures Schools into TM Quiet Times

By Lois Putnam Perhaps you’ve read of the Transcendental Meditation guru, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and his famed Beatle aficionados. And maybe you’ve surmised the TM mania had mostly gone away. But, you’re dead wrong, for there’s been a recent resurgence…

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The Dangers of Spiritual Formation?—And Some Ways it is Influencing Your Children

By Berit Kjos (author of How to Protect Your Child From the New Age and Spiritual Deception) The Spiritual Formation movement is widely promoted at colleges and seminaries as the latest and the greatest way to become a spiritual leader….

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New Booklet: LECTIO DIVINA-What it is, What it is not, and Should Christians Practice it?

LECTIO DIVINA-What it is, What it is not, and Should Christians Practice it? written by the editors at Lighthouse Trails is one of the new Lighthouse Trails Booklets and is an easy to understand explanation of the practice of lectio…

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Critics of Teaching Children Transcendental Meditation Are Threatened

LTRP Note: The following article is a follow-up to a previous article about the surviving Beatles working together with the David Lynch Foundation to raise money to teach children around the world Transcendental Meditation. The article below states that the…

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