Tag: translations
LTRP Note: The following news story in the form of a radio transcript is posted for informational and research purposes and not as an endorsement of the content. We have also posted links to two other articles on the issue,…
1/Looking to the Past to Unravel Confusion About Rick Warren, Islam, and Warren’s All-Inclusive “Second Reformation” A recent Orange County Register news story titled “Rick Warren builds bridge to Muslims” has caught the attention of many people including several online…
By Audrey Barrick Christian Post The Common English Bible, the newest translation touted for its modern, easy-to-read language, is doing better than expected and is now in its third printing. There are now 500,000 copies of the translation in print,…
By Jim Fletcher WorldNetDaily “King James defends Bible from liberalism” There was so much feedback about last week’s discussion of the King James Bible anniversary that it seems like a good idea to add some further thoughts about the KJV and…