Tag: tyranny

2014 LIGHTHOUSE TRAILS YEAR IN REVIEW—Part 5: Top 6 Articles by Lighthouse Trails Authors

1. Rick Warren, Religious Liberty, and Catholics and Evangelicals Together by Roger Oakland 2. Happy New (Age) Year! – Top-Selling Christian Book, Jesus Calling, Derides Abraham, Father of the Christian and Jewish Faith by Warren B. Smith 3. Powerful Radio…

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Are We Heading Towards Tyranny?

By Maria Kneas History shows us that as free nations become complacent, they become vulnerable to manipulation. Most dictatorships rise gradually—a step at a time. Smooth-talking politicians make each incremental step seem reasonable, because the masses are blind to the…

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Hitler was NOT a Christian: A Christian Response to a False Accusation

by Tony Pearce Light for the Last Days Ministries (excerpt from The Messiah Factor) Those who blame God for the Nazi Holocaust should note that the roots of the Nazi ideology lay in a definite rejection, indeed a bitter hatred…

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