Tag: UN

Mennonites and World Peace

by Menno-lite This June, the Canadian School of Peacebuilding will be taking place at Canadian Mennonite University. The goal? “We want to create a space where people from different backgrounds and perspectives can connect in positive and respectful ways,” said…

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WorldNetDaily: “Big Brother tightens choke hold on Internet”

WorldNetDaily Editor’s Note: The following report is excerpted from Jerome Corsi’s Red Alert, the premium online newsletter published by the current No. 1 best-selling author, WND staff writer and senior managing director of the Financial Services Group at Gilford Securities….

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From Truth to Mysticism — by Global Design

by Berit Kjos Kjos Ministries On September 17, 1995, I signed in at Mikhail Gorbachev’s well guarded State of the World Conference as an official [amateur] reporter. I wanted a first-hand glimpse of the global plans for the 21st Century….

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