Tag: watchman
Posted on August 1, 2021
LTRP Note: This is an ode to those of you who defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ and warn others of impending spiritual danger, speaking the truth in love, strength, and courage, by His grace. The Watchmanby Scottish pastor, Horatius…
Posted on March 21, 2013
LTRP Note: Every day, we receive letters, e-mails, and phone calls from believers around the world. So many of them are standing courageously for the faith, even in the midst of ridicule, loss of friends, and often church homes. Here…
Posted on January 25, 2011
Note: This was sent to us today from a Lighthouse Trails reader. We know many of our readers truly are watchmen and watchwomen on the wall. This is an ode to those of you who defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ, speaking…