Tag: wycliffe bible translators

Letter to the Editor: Wycliffe Brings “Spiritual Formation” and Contemplative Practices to Its Members

LTRP Note: It appears that Wycliffe Bible Translators has been introducing the deception of contemplative spirituality (i.e., Spiritual Formation) to its members as the letter to the editor and our own documentation below show. Lighthouse Trails Comments: Lighthouse Trails has…

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2012 YEAR IN REVIEW – FINAL PART – “Top 10 Lighthouse Trails In-House Articles for 2012”

1/Looking to the Past to Unravel Confusion About Rick Warren, Islam, and Warren’s All-Inclusive “Second Reformation” A recent Orange County Register news story titled “Rick Warren builds bridge to Muslims” has caught the attention of many people including several online…

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Wycliffe Bible Translators to “Re-evaluate” Methodology to Removing “Son of God” and “Father” from Bible Translations

In a growing controversy where Wycliffe Bible Translators is removing “familial terms” such as Son of God and Father in their Bible translations in order to accommodate Muslim readers, the organization posted a statement on February 7th, saying: While we…

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