LTRP Note: Taize is part of the contemplative prayer movement. This article is posted, not as an endorsement but rather to report on the growing popularity of contemplative practices.
A cantor stands in a sanctuary bathed in candlelight, repeatedly chanting a brief, devotional line from Psalms or another Biblical Scripture.
Those present join in the chanting, and as it resonates with the rhythms of their hearts, they sometimes are inspired to add harmonic improvisations.
The chanting is one component of Taize services, which now are being offered at St. John’s Episcopal Church of Petaluma on the first Friday of each month, Elim Lutheran Church in Petaluma one Sunday every month and at the Church of the Incarnation in Santa Rosa on the fourth Friday of each month.
And as local residents deal with ever-mounting daily challenges, they have found solace and inspiration in these mystical services of prayer and chanting that originated in an ecumenical Christian monastic order in France. Click here to continue reading.
Courtesy Underground News US
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