Teen Mania Goes Contemplative

Ron Luce’s Teen Mania and meditation promoter Liz Babbs are resonating with each other, and the connection is meditation. Luce is the “President and Founder of Teen Mania Ministries, a Christian youth organization that reaches millions of young people worldwide.” An October 2006 article, Teen Mania Introduces Kids to Contemplative-Promoting Speaker, explains that Teen Mania was bringing contemplative promoter Jack Hayford to speak at one of their events.

In a most revealing video clip, Ron Luce now interviews meditation promoter Liz Babbs. In September 2006, we reported:

Liz Babbs is an “award-winning author, performer, broadcaster and spiritual mentor [who] travels extensively raising awareness of issues of health and spirituality.” Her book, Into God’s Presence, can be found in Christian bookstores and through various Christian ministries.

But just what does Liz Babbs mean when she says, Into God’s Presence? The answer to that question can be easy to find. On Babbs’ website, she gives specific instructions (which she says are taken from her book) on meditation. And we’re not talking about contemplating or meditating on God’s word. No, this is Eastern style meditation, which she calls a “deep form of prayer” that leads to “a wonderful pathway of intimacy with God.” With meditation practices like breath prayers, one word meditations, the Jesus Prayer, and others, Babbs reveals her spiritual affinities.

In the interview between Babbs and Luce, she tells Luce how meditation can be done and can include repeating the name of Jesus over and over in order to rid oneself of distractions and really hear God.

What this means is that Teen Mania’s “millions of young people worldwide” may ultimately be introduced to mysticism. It is important to note that Teen Mania has the same militant undertone as Pete Greig’s 24/7 ministry.1 This militancy/meditation mixture is going to have disastrous effects, and the fruit of it will be potentially harmful to the spiritual lives of many people. This same militancy is found in the emerging church movement as well as the Purpose Driven program and is linked to the New Age militancy against Bible believing Christians.

For other articles addressing this growing militant attitude by those who promote mysticism, see the following:
*EMERGENT MANIFESTO: Emerging Church Comes Out of the Closet
*Jesus Camp, Film Reveals the Mystical and the Militant, Not Biblical Christianity

Also see:
The Era of the Single Savior is Over