The Demise of Mega Corporate Churches

This is a time in history that every professing Christian leader and pastor should take very soberly. It is a time for true humility and true repentance. If there is not humility and repentance, Christian pastors and leaders need to know – your sin will indeed find you out.

By Roger Oakland
Understand the Times, International

For some time, Understand The Times has been warning pastors of churches that were formerly considered to be Protestant and evangelical about the spiritual deception that is currently underway and seducing them into the One World Religion. As time has passed, it seems that these leaders no longer consider themselves Protestant or evangelical. They are ecumenical. Instead of protesting against the rule of Rome, they are now actually partners with Rome and even promoting a globalist Dominionist plan to transform the world in what they believe is a great revival or great awakening. While many innocent sheep follow these pastors and leaders and do not realize what is happening, the Lord is calling watchmen and watchwomen to sound the alarm. The question is, how many are listening?

These watchmen and watchwomen are concerned about apostate leaders who should know better, but they are saying and doing nothing to warn about the apostasy. In fact they are promoting apostasy as if it is not happening. While the sheep may consider their leaders to be supporters of the gospel and therefore evangelical, it is apparent one cannot be on the road to Rome and also be promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ that we find in the Scriptures. Either you are for Jesus Christ and against apostasy, or you are against Jesus Christ and for apostasy. Ecumenism and joining hands with the world religions is not of God. There is one God, Jesus Christ our Creator and our Redeemer.

As time passes, there are fewer warning about how close we are to the demise of biblical Christianity. Many who once were blowing the trumpet have now either gone to sleep or they have forgotten what they once believed to be important. The Counter Reformation started by Rome and the Jesuits continues today unnoticed by the apostate churches that are uniting with Rome for many different reasons. They have lost their way as they have been sidetracked by a number of things – love of money, power, and prestige. They have even changed their view on the Word of God and what it teaches about the return of Christ. Some pastors say that Jesus did not even warn about apostasy as a sign of His soon return. They claim that a P.E.A.C.E. Plan and a One World Religion is much more important and we should spend our time and energy working together to solve our social problems. Click here to continue reading.