The Emergent Church’s War on the Word

Emergent churchBy Gregory Reid

It was, of course, inevitable that the Emergent Church would begin to have babies that were even more unbiblical than itself. Andy Stanley is one of those spiritual offspring of a departure from biblical faith and adoption by experiential religious deception. In 2016, he told a group of pastors at the Southern Baptist Convention that they needed to get the spotlight off the Bible (August 2016 “Onward” conference). Now his spiritual “children” are following suit.

Sometimes, I just get a gut feeling about something before I know exactly what is wrong with it. Such has been my experience on a new newsfeed called, “Hello Christian” which sounds so spiritual but is basically clickbait with increasingly poisonous spiritual bait articles. I’ve commented on some, ignored others. But this recently, I received one of their e-mails with an article I just couldn’t let pass.

You see, the Bible means everything to me. I was taken out of the occult and the New Age at the very young age of 15 when I had already been studying – and had been brainwashed by – those worlds since I was about 8. One of the consistent features of those worlds was the denigration of or commonizing of the Bible as if it was man-made, as if it was just like any other religious book. It was a damnable lie, one that nearly sent me to an eternal hell.

So, when I came to Jesus, the first thing God had to do was to deliver me from that spiritual madness, that utter nonsense dispensed by demons who hated and despised every word of the holy Scriptures. And after that was done, I began to devour every single word of it like a man who was starving to death. It healed me. It delivered me. It restored my sanity.

And yes, I became one of “those guys.” God said it; I believe it; that settles it.

In fact, I almost quoted that very sturdy old phrase last week while speaking at a church and trying to tell people why the Jesus movement of the 1960s-1970s was so powerful. It was owed in part to a bunch of innocent hippie kids getting saved, picking up the Bible, and daring to say, “I believe every word of this book, and I am going to live it!” And thus, the Holy Spirit had a generation of people who would carry His Word to their generation in power and authority.

It’s been a slow, slick slide down Emergent Road since then, and now all the little compromises in the church, all the seeker-friendly doors we’ve opened to welcome the world and its ways into our midst, all the strange fires we have begun to place on God’s Holy altar are revealing themselves—becoming bolder all the time because no one is manning the outposts anymore. The watchmen are asleep, and the pastors have been seduced by worldly ways and promises of empires and prosperous ease in the name of ministry.

So, I suppose I was not terribly shocked to read in the article I received by John Pavlovitz an attack on the very phrase I just mentioned.

The article was titled, “Why the Bible Shouldn’t Be Worshipped.”

I want to reiterate one thing and clearly proclaim another before I go any further. I want to reemphasize that the denigrating, humanizing, and commonizing of the Scriptures has always been a favorite faith destroyer of the demonic world and every false religion. Whenever you hear people saying things like (and I have heard it for years, so Mr. Pavlovitz is not original) “You shouldn’t worship the Bible,” I point out that (1) I don’t, and that (2) God thinks so highly of His Word that He says He places His Word above all His Name (Psalm 138:2). I would guess if the Creator of all things places His own Word in such high regard, we probably shouldn’t spend our feeble and misled efforts trying to get others to “get the spotlight” off it.

Pavlovitz (a pastor and author) has entered the scene to write a vague, confusing article that is sure to reassure the emergent crowd that the Bible is something to be discussed, to be unsure of, and to be generally devalued lest we “worship it.” After all, Pavlovitz reminds us, the Bible is our “mysterious ancient text.” Pavlovitz appears to be the spiritual progeny of off-the-reservation apostate Rob Bell, who helped begin this “journey” by getting us to “have a conversation” about the “shared, ancient stories of our ancient ancestors.” (As if that negates its content somehow; you know, if we can kind of imagine a group of neanderthals sitting around a fire saying, “Ug, Grog, me think God real,” then we can interpret their ancient neanderthal-like writings through our more enlightened luciferian minds. Um . . . I meant learned minds.)

As to one of my favorite expressions, “God said it, I believe it, that settles it,” Pavlovitz says:

[I]t’s an odd little religious mantra [funny how phrases like “odd little” help devalue the claim of the statement] that perfectly captures the strange, often paradoxical relationship we modern Christians have with our mysterious ancient text.

Perhaps if Pavlovitz encountered the Jesus of the Word, His Word would not seem strange and often paradoxical. Disclaimer: I don’t understand it all. I likely never will in this life. I, however, would never attempt to denigrate the findings of nuclear physicists because they are “strange and paradoxical.”

“Many of us have made The Bible the central pillar of our faith,” Pavlovitz continues,” while not really knowing what it actually says. (especially not the earlier, weirder stuff.)”

He then goes on to say that we claim without question that it is “filled with the words

He continues:

At this point, I must say to Mr. Pavlovitz: Stop with the allusions to earlier weirder stuff that you use to sound cool and mysterious and like you know something we don’t because you are superior in your understanding and shouldn’t have to explain what you mean (similar to Leonard Sweet’s “more magnificent way”). The only mysterious thing here is what you are saying. And I have no interest to understand you because I know where you’re taking us, and I’ve been there and done that—

You insist that the Bible “is an incredibly complex library of writings, culled from thousands of years and multiple, very human writers.” Yet the Scriptures themselves tell us that “all scripture is given by inspiration of God [God-breathed] and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16) and that “knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1:20-21). That doesn’t sound like it was merely, as you implied, a product of “very human writers.” It was so much more than that. Don’t you see, you have attempted to lower it to the level of your “very carnal understanding.”

“[F]inding the irreducible core and practical application of any given passage,” you insist, “is a monumental challenge.” To this I must respond with  . . . Really? “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” How complex is that? I think Pavlovitz has missed the part about if you’re going to enter the Kingdom, you must be as a little child—not a seminary-trained mouthpiece for higher and lower criticism.

“Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” It’s simple, really.

What those like Pavlovitz are trying to do is convince people not to take the Bible that seriously because it’s too hard to understand. As I recall, that’s what Catholic priests have told their people, that they shouldn’t read it because it’s just too mysterious and complex and only they can interpret it.

Pavlovitz says that rather than admit and wrestle with the obvious challenges we face in historical context writing style and author intent, too many of us simply hide behind some incendiary, line-drawing, black and white, all or nothing rhetoric. We either believe it or we don’t. Well, Mr. Pavlovitz, I am guilty as charged. Except it has nothing to do with writing style or author intent (there he goes again, ascribing human frailties to the Bible so we won’t take it that seriously.)

I’m sorry that the Bible is so vague to the emergents, but I would suggest it is they who are hiding behind the shadows of their own illusions that the Bible is vague, human written, and allows all the compromises that a book with no absolutes would afford someone.

Pavlovitz says that for “so many believers,” the Bible has become a fourth addition to the Trinity, something to be blindly worshipped. This is absurd! I have been a believer for almost 50 years and have never met these many believers nor have I ever seen anyone “blindly worship” the Bible. Revere, love, count on, act on, stake their lives on, yes. But never worship. That’s just a silly and nonexistent scenario.

Pavlovitz also claims that for the earliest believers, it was simply essential reading material on the way to the Promised Land. Well, they had far more respect for the Torah than these emergents certainly do. Jesus quoted it constantly. And He didn’t say, “Let’s discuss this . . . . see what we think it might mean, see if we can come to some kind of consensus.” And as to His own words, He said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:35).

Pavlovitz carefully preps his readers for the grand finale and the raison d’etre of his article by saying things like, “we don’t all agree on what it says or what it is and that’s okay” (spoken like a true Freudian 70s renaissance man – ‘I’m OK, you’re OK, and that’s OK!’) and, “[the Bible] is not, as we so often mischaracterize it, ‘the Word of God.’ Jesus is.” Um, yes, He is, but yes, IT is. READ.THE.BOOK. Specifically, Pavlovitz and other Word-rejecting Emergents might start with Psalm 119 which tells us exactly that. The Word of God is a lamp, is a light, etc. One can say Jesus is the Word but it is simply not biblical truth to say the Bible is not the Word of God, which is what Pavlovitz finally was bold enough to say. The Scriptures have always, and will always, testify to themselves.

It took Rob Bell hundreds of pages in Velvet Elvis to finally out with it. Pavlovitz came more quickly to the point in saying:

So says every false prophet in history. I am glad for this: At least, Pavlovitz finally came out with it: The Bible is whatever you think it is, and whatever else you “hear” or “feel” is also God’s Word. And this is how a generation opens itself up to signs and lying wonders, and eventually, the one coming who will deceive the whole world.

I do not understand all of the Scriptures. And I do not think it is right that people argue over small differences to the point of almost violence. But the problem has never been with God or His Word but rather with our pride, our human flesh. The Word itself stands on its own.

I will say again without any hesitation: God said It, I believe it, that settles it.

To all the Pavlovitzes, Bells, Sweets, and Stanleys, I will reiterate: the Scriptures say of God, “Thou hast magnified Thy Word above all thy name.” That’s as clear as it gets. Take it or leave it. You either believe it, as you say, or you don’t.

In this last day of abounding lies, may God give us the discernment to reject such hell-forged theses as have been presented by these so-called “progressive,” New Spirituality, emerging Christians and to hold firmly to the truth of His Holy Word, whose AUTHOR is the object of our worship.

Related Articles:

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Native American Men Who Longed For “the Book” and Were Denied

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(photo from; used with permission)

14 thoughts on “The Emergent Church’s War on the Word

  1. The reason the Dark Ages were so bloody, violent and hateful was that the Bible was banned by the R. Catholic Church, martyrs were beheaded or burned at the stake for trying to translate the Bible from the Latin into the language of the common people and only the Pope , priests and nuns were allowed to read the scriptures, which I doubt that they did. Bibles were burned. If a commoner insisted on reading the Bible he was martyred. Very ugly, sad times. The Inquisition was going on at the same time.

  2. These fake “believers” do not like the verse from the Bible which says the Lord has exalted His Word above His own Name. IIRC, that is found in Psalm 138. The key question for any of them, in my mind, is WHERE do they get their beliefs about Christ Jesus, the Father, and everything else which is taught in the Holy Bible? Andy Stanley said Christians should emphasize the resurrection, not the Bible. Does he not realize what a nonsensical statement that is? HOW does he know about the resurrection?!? I honestly doubt his sincerity. Lord, have mercy on people who sit under such teachings.

  3. “God said it, I believe it, that settles it,” begs the question, “Exactly what does God actually mean in this (any) particular passage?” /We know, on the one hand, that “no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.” But, on the other hand, there are nevertheless conflicting interpretations all over the place regarding Scripture. /I am concerned about the Antichrist spirit behind both dominion theology and the New Age movement. But we have to be honest about contradictions in Scripture. I would argue that when believers, even among the prophets, misattribute evil to God, they are wrongly conflating the gracious God with the legalistic killer, Satan. But God is not bipolar, He is unipolar. /The Bible exhibits progressive revelation about both God’s goodness, and the reality of Satan. Jesus, the author of life, clarified that the unchanging God is only about LIFE, but the devil is only about DEATH: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10. /Question: who is right in this comparison about the unchanging God—David, or John? Psalm 5:5 “You hate all who do wrong.” John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son….

  4. Your article said “the watchman are asleep” In my case I was not asleep, I was put out of the evangelical free church my family was involved with for over 100 years. 4 generations! The old song we sang in Sunday school in the 1950’s and 60’, “I stand all alone on the word of God the B I B l E” is no longer sung in that church. The majority of the leadership has bought the lie of textual higher critism.

  5. P.S. May I post this quote by David Wilkerson about this very topic, which is entitled TOTAL CONFIDENCE IN GOD’S WORD: “Christ is the living Word of God. And when you are shut in with Him in prayer, the Holy Spirit will always lead you to God’s revealed Word. He will build up your faith by feeding you from the Bible — even while you’re in the secret closet! We are commanded: “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil … Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day … And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” (Ephesians 6:11, 13, 17). [Wilkerson went on to say] Often when you receive specific instructions from the Lord, His Spirit will whisper, “Now turn to …”, directing you to a passage of Scripture. God’s Word will speak to you directly — telling you how to approach any situation! ::End of quote:: I can attest to this very truth in my own life. I cannot count the number of times the Lord has given me specific instruction through His written Word, by the power of His dear, mighty Holy Spirit.

  6. I too have wondered what Charles Stanley — who publicly believes the Bible without question and preaches from it — thinks about his son’s apostasy. And, yes, it is a good question, How did the SBC respond to A. Stanley’s comments? To “believers” (professed, but falsely so-called) who love to denigrate and sneer at God’s Word — my question is always, “Then what Jesus do you believe in? The Christ Jesus who is revealed to us IN the Holy Bible, or another one who is NOT?” I am convinced this is one meaning of Paul’s warning to the early church NOT to believe in “another Jesus” — one who is not revealed in the Holy Scriptures, the very Word of God. There are also those faux “believers” who say they believe ONLY in the Living Word, Jesus the Christ, but NOT in God’s written Word. This is ridiculous, too — because Jesus the Christ, whom they claim to believe in, quoted the written Word of God in the wilderness when He overcame the devil’s temptations. Plus, Jesus the True Christ confirmed the Old Testament (so many, like A. Stanley, dispute its significance under the new covenant) over and over and over again, citing historical Old Testament events — from Creation onward — which fake “believers” love to dispute. End times warning!

  7. Well written! Thank you very much for your wonderful defense of the Bible and *reading ( * I find that is what most emerging mean by ‘worship) of Gods word.

  8. Sounds like the ancient tempter casting doubt; “Did God really say…?” Answer: Yes, He did! That settles it for me.

  9. These so called Pastors (WOLFS) have been chipping away the bible since the beginning of Time. Did not the serpent tell Eve that she wouldn’t die, which contradicted what God had stated. Thousands of years later we have Pastors (snakes) telling the world the Bible didn’t say or mean that. Well if it didn’t say or mean that, and I can’t believe that it means what it says, then why should I believe these Pastors. The Bible has a longer history, credibility, and corroboration than these snarky hipsters who think the God of the Old Testament and Jesus of the New Testament are different Gods.

  10. That one quote needs to be revised…into… ‘God said it, that settles it, and I believe it’. Mr Pavlovitz is just expressing his ignorance and trying to sound enlightened and relevant to an undiscerning audience. And yes, “forged in hell” is a good description. I am waiting for Charles Stanley to refute the aberrant teachings of his son, but not holding my breath. Thanks for this article. Kathryn

  11. What did the Southern Baptist Convention respond to Andy Stanley’s comments? That is my question.

  12. a most excellent and timely article. As with so many heretical movements and doctrines they can be traced back to Satan, “hath God said?” it was pointed out to me years ago that, God said it, and that settles it, weather you believe it or not. The word of God stands alone with or without my acceptance.

  13. Excellent! I wonder if that fellow ever read Amos 3:7 “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth it unto his servants the prophets.” With that in mind, and then jumping ahead to John 1:1-2, “1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. 2 All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.” Then over to Hebrews 4:12-13, “12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.” With these things in mind, isn’t it logical to say that Jesus and the Bible are one and the same? I think so. I don’t understand it for the life of me. But I believe it. Ephesians 6:11-17 commands us to “put on the whole armour of God.” If you study the words (I love word studies), you will find that each element of that armour points directly to the Bible. My ultimate point is this: why NOT worship the Word of God, the Bible?

  14. Excellent Article. I’m OK your OK and that’s OK. Really? Our world is being trained to take away The Cross, The Lord Jesus and The Bible. Our world has been infiltrated in all aspects of our life with a lie. Hath God said? Schools, government, churches, societies, clubs, colleges and seminaries. Andy Stanley, please snap out of it! Andy went to Dallas Theological Seminary. Once a pillar of the Bible and God’s defender of Truth. Dallas seminary has become in many cases like mans opinion instead of God’s Word. Deception is taking it over. All Born Again Believers need to PRAY for our leaders in the church, schools and government. This world is free falling to except The Man of Sin.

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