The Fear Factor and the COVID Conundrum: One Canadian’s Perspective

By L.B.S.

Perhaps there is a reasonable expectation for a duty of care when government takes away the care of duty.  So many people have lost their jobs during this coronavirus pandemic “crisis” or had to close or curtail their businesses; and with the government mandated shutdowns that followed, the government is handing out money to try to mitigate the damage that the shutdowns have caused. It stands to a certain type of reason that if government—that elusive entity that purports to lead and guide the people—should not allow people to care for themselves, then it should take that responsibility upon itself.

Albeit, it is a vicious cycle, like a dog biting its tail.  The people fund the government, and the government funds the people.  But the government arbitrarily allots the funds to whatever or to whomever it chooses and then arbitrarily mandates the people to pay for it. Then when the people start relying on government handouts to survive, and far-overreaching government mandates to guide our actions, can we truly relax and rest easy and trust that the government has got our backs?  It may ease the monetary famine but only temporally, and it may relieve us of the responsibility of thinking for ourselves, but Oh! What a high price to pay!  The people were just coerced into the socialist system of government and goaded into compliance with the stock prod of “panpanic.” People are being shepherded like sheep into the corral with fines, penalties, warnings, and fear. Many medical professionals are hirelings hired to feed the fear frenzy, and yet when other medical professionals stand up to disagree, they are mostly silenced or they stand only to lose their jobs.

Government spokesmen have been holding an unprecedented number of press conferences, with an almost universal clarion call advertising the fear while providing fear motivated mandates to undergird their message. In general, their expertise is politics not pandemics, but they are much used by the powers that be to promote the panpanic.  Does not this situation now make us somewhat of a police state? A communist state perhaps? And does it not hint of a fascist state? I do not pretend to understand politics well, but I know it well enough that it makes me think, “Oh what a state to be in!”

History teaches us that it is just a matter of time before that kind of system implodes and sucks the life out of the people, the wealth out of the country, and our freedoms: our freedom to thrive or fail, our freedom to decide how to protect ourselves, our freedom of association, our freedom of speech or expression, and other freedoms that we have come to associate with a free country.  What we have now is a virus kingpin that is not the danger it was made out to be; yes, dangerous and even deadly but not the way “they” portrayed it with overblown models already proven false. But the fear of the virus has been a catalyst to bring in many other dangerous things.  And now countless citizens are also left with an insidious and perilous disease of the mind—fear—the wrong kind of fear, misplaced fear, fear that destroys—not protects. 

Many hospitals, made ready for a great influx of coronavirus victims, are reported to be emptier than ever, but the dying that are already in the hospital are dying alone, at times not allowed to have even their closest loved ones as visitors.  Much needed surgeries are deferred, and people who need to go to the hospital choose not to go in—for fear.  How can we even know all the consequences? Our media does not report it, and at this point, we do not know who to believe. They cried “Wolf!” too often.

Then we are given the hope of a temporal “savior”—a vaccine; and we hope we can just hang in there long enough so the vaccine can save us from the disease should that even be a realistic or remotely successful option. In the meantime, we are dying of other things.  Living is dangerous.  That is life.  Should we put our life on hold for one danger when people are dying all around of old age, accidents, or of any of the multitude of other diseases or circumstances?  In the meantime, while our life is on hold, we wonder what is really happening.  We are not sure, but we know it has the possibility of being much more dangerous than “the virus.”

Fear kills. Fear paralyzes.  The Bible has an example of this in Luke 21:26 when it says “men’s hearts failing them for fear” when they see the things coming upon the Earth. But there is a fear that saves and protects and makes us free.  The Bible says in Psalm 34:11, “Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD.” And also:

In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge. (Proverbs 14:8)

O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him. (Psalm 34:9)

And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD. (Psalm 40:3)

Need I offer more verses?  There are many, many more!

Conversely, the Bible also mentions misplaced fear. “The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe” (Proverbs 29:25).

We are fighting a virtually invisible enemy with very visible consequences, but that reminds me we have an invisible hope as well.  The one thing the virus cannot take away is the freedom to believe—our faith. As it says in Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  That sounds rock solid to me, and I leave you with this:  Fear God, he is our hope. And please read the rest of Hebrews 11 for examples of the faithful who went before us.

Again, this verse, an invitation from God Himself, certifies, “Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD” (Psalm 34:11).

Related Articles:

Fearing God in a Fearless New Age by Warren B. Smith

Fighting Fear in a Fearful Day by Maria Kneas

(photo from; used with permission)

7 thoughts on “The Fear Factor and the COVID Conundrum: One Canadian’s Perspective

  1. There are documents being used by governments that include advice by behavioural psychologists which advise the use of media to create fear as an enabler to make people conform to the demands. There is a virus but there is no need to fear it anymore than a bad case of a flu virus. Those whose immunity systems weaken with age and those with underlying health conditions we are told are the vulnerable and death figures prove it. We also know, as fact the, those dying of other causes but have a positive test for Covid are being labelled as a Covid-19 death to boost figures. Medical experts speaking against the narrative are being silenced and blocked from all media, this in itself should send a warning light to all. Then there is the World Economic Forum whose founder wrote a book on The Great Reset 10 years ago and they are using this virus to introduce the reset and the onset of a digital economy. Identity 2020 is another Bill Gates funded initiative going back to 2016 which aims to have everyone digitally I.D’d by Autumn 2020 and this involves vaccinations. Hello everybody, hello is the penny beginning to drop?
    Brexit and Donald Trump are the spoke in the wheels for their quest for world government, world cash system and a world church. Seems the bible is true after all.

  2. Now we find out that the ‘big hope’ for a vaccine in Canada is being developed in partnership with China; which apparently is the government that our global citizen woke Prime Minister respects the most! The alternative may be a Bill Gates vaccine which might well include a permanent infertility dose, as he did in India.

    Historically, 90% of the ‘vaccine miracles’ for at least eight routine diseases were actually introduced after the infection rates had already dropped by 80%. (And yet, governments, big pharma, and global MSM manage to convince us that vaccines get the credit.) These UN/WHO/Fauci campaigns have been going on for at least 4 decades. It appears this time they may have come to that brainwashing point of convincing most of the world’ ‘sheeple’ to accept their NWO mandates. ……….. Maranatha!

  3. I have read that the bodies of aborted babies are being used in 5 of the current vaccines being created around the world. I have seen this many times on postings by Christian lawyers who are defending Christian clients. Let me know if I am wrong. Very horrifying info!

  4. Our Heavenly Father has given us a wonderful body. All day long our noses remove bacteria among other things to keep us healthy. Our Government has forced us to wear masks that is making our immune system become weaker to make us sick. The Patriot Act, because of the “pandemic” was put into action to take away some of our freedoms. Who are really the sick people?

  5. I have to say that LS is spot on. I couldn’t agree more. Very proud of my Canadian sister/brother. Fear is definitely rampant and I have heard of some who can’t cross provinces to go to their parents funeral.
    We’re still waiting for churches to open in our area so we can be with our fellow believers. Although there are stores and restaurants opening…but no churches ( at least not in our area). The media is definitely spinning its web of falsehoods…after all isn’t that what they’re paid to do. Fear is the word of the day for sure. In 2 Timothy 1:7 it says ” For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. God is in control even if the world is spinning out of control.

  6. As a German newspaper wrote a few weeks ago, the lockdown of many countries due to the virus was a huge mistake. Some lockdowns in Dem-run states still continue in America. This command was straight from satan. The result has been the death or dying of our cities. The leftist riots here put the nail in the coffin. The spirit of humanity in people around the world has been sucked out. There is panic among many seniors who are now afraid to ever go out again or live a normal life with family. The best economy in the world has been shattered, but Trump is trying to jump-start our prosperity. Our only hope is in the Lord at this time, even though our church openings are restricted and limited. When will large choirs ever be able to sing again or sport activities resume? We are at the mercy of mayors and governors who are enjoying the huge power they think they have over us. Now Christian bakers can be sued even more with the Supreme Ct. decision, which is unconstitutional. I know that during end times things will get dark, but I did not know I would be experiencing it to this extent. America was founded by people who loved and reverenced the Bible and its Author–God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Let us repent and return to the Lord our Maker and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, our foundation. I weep for our nation. Lord help us!

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